The best is to start from this example
// // Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Artyom Beilis (Tonkikh) <artyomtnk@yahoo.com> // // Distributed under: // // the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // // or (at your opinion) under: // // The MIT License // (See accompanying file MIT.txt or a copy at // http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php) // #include <cppdb/frontend.h> #include <iostream> #include <ctime> int main() { try { cppdb::session sql("sqlite3:db=db.db"); sql << "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test" << cppdb::exec; sql<< "CREATE TABLE test ( " " id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, " " n INTEGER," " f REAL, " " t TIMESTAMP," " name TEXT " ") " << cppdb::exec; std::time_t now_time = std::time(0); std::tm now = *std::localtime(&now_time); cppdb::statement stat; stat = sql << "INSERT INTO test(n,f,t,name) " "VALUES(?,?,?,?)" << 10 << 3.1415926565 << now <<"Hello 'World'"; stat.exec(); std::cout<<"ID: "<<stat.last_insert_id() << std::endl; std::cout<<"Affected rows "<<stat.affected()<<std::endl; stat.reset(); stat.bind(20); stat.bind_null(); stat.bind(now); stat.bind("Hello 'World'"); stat.exec(); cppdb::result res = sql << "SELECT id,n,f,t,name FROM test"; while(res.next()) { double f=-1; int id,k; std::tm atime; std::string name; res >> id >> k >> f >> atime >> name; std::cout <<id << ' '<<k <<' '<<f<<' '<<name<<' '<<asctime(&atime)<< std::endl; } res = sql << "SELECT n,f FROM test WHERE id=?" << 1 << cppdb::row; if(!res.empty()) { int n = res.get<int>("n"); double f=res.get<double>(1); std::cout << "The values are " << n <<" " << f << std::endl; } } catch(std::exception const &e) { std::cerr << "ERROR: " << e.what() << std::endl; return 1; } return 0; }
First we connect to the database using cppdb connection string. Then we execute a simple sql query.
When you write
sql << "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test" << cppdb::exec;
You actually first prepare a statement (using first operator "<<") and then execute it using a cppdb::exec manipulator. In the same way we create the table we need.
Then we create a statement that we will use multiple times. At first we prepare a statement using operator "<<" and then we bind parameters to it. Note, the string is passed as is without escaping it in any way. Then we execute a statement calling stat.exec(). Note it could be done using manipulator as well in previous line, but this is just a more verbose way and probably more clean way to do it.
Then calling stat.last_insert_id() and stat.affected() we fetch the data about last executed statement.
We can use our statement again after calling cppdb::statement::reset() function. In the next statement execution we would use more "verbose" variant of binding parameters - using bind() functions of statement, and then executing it.
Then fetch the results we created. We prepare a query and assign it into res variable efficiently fetching the query result.
Then we iterate over result's rows using res.next(), for each row we fetch the data using operator ">>".
In the next query we select several values into a single row. We prepare a statement, bind a key 1 for the placeholder "?" and then we check if the row was actually fetched and we fetch values. We can fetch values using operator ">>" as above, however we can also fetch them using column names or indexes.