DbiXX - SQL Connectivity Library

DbiXX is general purpose library to execute SQL queries in a safe way. It is a wrapper around of libdbi C library providing suitable exception safe and object oriented C++ interface.


Let's see a simple example.

#include <dbixx/dbixx.h>
#include <iostream>

using namespace dbixx;
using namespace std;

int main()
    try {
        session sql("sqlite3:dbname=test.db;sqlite3_dbdir=./");

        sql<<"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS users";
        sql<<"CREATE TABLE users ( "
             " id integer primary key not null, "
             " name varchar(128) not null "
        sql<<"INSERT INTO users(id,name) VALUES(?,?)",
        sql<<"INSERT INTO users(id,name) VALUES(?,?)",
        sql<<"SELECT name FROM users WHERE id=?",1;
        row r;
        if(sql.single(r)) {
            string name;
        else {
            cout<<"No user with id="<<1<<endl;
        result res;
        sql<<"SELECT id,name FROM users";
        cout<<"There are "<<res.rows()<<" users\n";
        while(res.next(r)) {
            int id;
            string name;
    catch(std::exception const &e) {
        return 1;
    return 0;

First we create a sql session object and load the driver "sqlite3" using simple connection string.

session sql("sqlite3:dbname=test.db;sqlite3_dbdir=./");

Then we perform queries. First we prepare them using "iostreams like" style:

sql<<"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS users";

and then execute the operation:


There is a syntactic sugar for this operation:

sql<<"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS users",exec();

Then we want to execute some commands using parameters binding:

sql<<"INSERT INTO users(id,name) VALUES(?,?)",

First we load our query. Each "?" represents a bound parameter. Then, using overloaded comma operator, we bind actual values: the integer "1" and the string "Moshe".

Every bound string is automatically escaped.
Now we want to fetch a single row of data. First, we bind the query and its parameters as before.

sql<<"SELECT name FROM users WHERE id=?",1;

But now, we store the output data in a single row class.

row r;
if(sql.single(r)) {

If the result wasn't an empty set, the condition is true and we can readout the data from the row, using the "iostreams" like interface.


Now, we want to fetch some bigger data set. In this case we use the class result that stores the output data. We use:

result res;

Now we can find out the number of rows calling res.rows() and iterate over each row calling res.next(r)

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