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Difference "CppCMS Coding Standard" ver. 2 versus ver. 3


## Coding Style
- **Indentation:** --- K&R only.
- **Naming:** use small\_letters\_and\_underscore. Such names are much more
readable. Same namging convention for class names, variables and functions.
NeverUseUglyAndUnreadableCamelCasedCode. _Rationale_ -- readability.
Prefer to use STL conventions. For example, for cleanup operations use `clear()`, for finding something "find()" and
so on.
- **Polish/Hungarian notations** are not in CppCMS. No prefixes or suffixes like `iNumber` or `m_some_class_member`, no boost style underscore suffixes for member variables like this\_is\_my\_cool\_member\_with\_underscore\_ should be used.
- **Variable Names:** --- variables like `i`, `j`, `tmp` are perfrectly well to use inside functions, in loops.
It is ok to use `def`, `tmp` perfixes and suffixes for member variables when they meaning something.
_Rationale:_ Linux Kernel Coding Style.
- **Tab Stops** --- Tab is 8, not 4, not 2 and defiantly not 5! Tab width=8 is like Pi=3.1415926535. Do not use something
else. This is most compatible over different editors, it is standard, it should be used anywhere. It makes code more
readable at 1:00am.
Do not replace tabs with spaces, all indentation should be done with tabs.
_Rationale:_ Linux Kernel Coding Style
- **Preprocessor Macros** --- should be CAPITAL\_CASED\_WITH\_UNDERSCORES. Always add `CPPCMS_` prefix to them.
## General Coding Notes
### Exceptions
All code you write should be exception safe. Only functions that you may assume they never throw exceptions are POSIX API or 3rd party C libraries like libgcrypy or sqlite3. Even STL may throw exception. Assume that std::bad\_alloc may be thrown and handle it correctly.
- Always use std::auto\_ptr or boost::shared\_ptr when shared semantics is needed. Always prefer auto\_ptr over shared\_ptr because:
1. It is faster and does not include ref-counting overheads
2. shared\_ptr can be always created from auto\_ptr but not in other direction.
3. It has move semantics that covers our requirements in most of cases:
For example
auto_ptr<my_class> my_func()
auto_ptr<my_class> instance(new my_class);
return instance;
- Use std::vector instead of allocating `new some_class[N]`.
- When using C API, that does not have destructors, put your code inside try-catch block and cleanup everything.
- If you use C API in more then one place consider wrapping it with simple class or at least provide scoped destructor. See as an example posix\_mutex.h or fcntl\_mutex.h
### Threads
CppCMS uses Boost libraries heavily, however it does not use Boost.Threads, it use POSIX threads
1. Pthread are better documented.
2. Boost.Threads are "GCD" of Win32 thread API and Posix threads and do not provide important features like: process shared mutex.
3. There are several backward incompatible changes withing Boost.Threads and some bugs in versions of Boost that CppCMS supports.
_Other Notes:_
- Use posix\_mutex.h header for exception safe mutex locking.
- If you use process shared mutex/rwlock make sure on off:
1. You fall back to fcntl locking on system that does not support it (like FreeBSD/cygwin).
2. You disable your module for these systems.
### STL
Do not reinvent the wheel, use STL --- it is well document, well known, highly available library that does the job. Use it.
1. Always prefer std::vector to std::list --- it has better performance because it is cache friendly.
2. Always prefer std:string for text storage.
3. It is OK to return STL collections from functions, compiler know how to optimize them.
4. Do not forget `swap()` function --- it can save lot's of unnecessary copies for you. For example:
string foo();
void bar()
string s;
for(;;) {
// Not s=foo();
Description: when you call `s=foo()` assignment operator is called that copies the value that `foo()` returned to `s` and then releases it. When you call `s.swap(foo())` the value in `s` is replaced by returned value and the old value in `s` is cleaned --- you saved copy of probably huge buffer, you operation is done in `O(1)`.
5. If you have non-copyable class, you can store it in STL collection using `shared_ptr`.
## Libraries
### Boost
CppCMS should work with at least Boost 1.33.1. Thus, if you use more modern features, provide autoconf macros and use conditional builds. For example, Boost.Asio that had been introduced in Boost 1.35.
Generally prefer boost over other libraries, however use Boost features carefully, or do not use at all. Examples:
1. Boost Interprocess too "heavy" and little bit "ugly" because it supports windows and supports placing any objects in memory. The nature of `fork()` gives much better functionality and allows placing any object in shared memory every time it use shared memory allocators.
2. Boost Threads -- see notes above.
3. Boost Serialization -- has too many performance overheads .
### Licenses
1. All libraries should be OpenSource libraries
2. Prefer non-copyleft licenses like MIT, 3 clause BSD, Boost over copyleft one, like LGPL.
3. All libraries, CppCMS uses should be compatible with LGPLv2. Unless:
- It is 4 clause BSD license
- There is no other libraries that may provide similar functionality.
For example:
- There is no alternatives for libmm, it is licensed under 4 clause BSD -- it may be used with exception notes for LGPL license of CppCMS that allows linking with 4 clause BSD.
- OpenSSL --- no, there is an alternative libgcrypt
- Qt4 --- no, it has strong Copyleft semantics not compatible with LGPL.
4. You may use strong copyleft libraries for stand alone utilities that are not linked with CppCMS framework.
For example: If you want to write GUI for `cppcms_tcp_scale` utility using Qt you are welcome.
### Using
If you want to add an additional dependency for CppCMS make sure:
1. There is a big value for adding such dependency.
2. This library is highly available.
3. You checked all alternatives and decided that this one is the best.
4. You had added an autoconf macro and conditional build for CppCMS that allows building all framework without this library.
For example, libgcrypt:
- You need high quality library to encrypt cookies, home made solutions are too dangerous.
- This library is available for almost any UNIX platform.
- Other alternatives like OpenSSL has problematic license and bad documentation.
- If you do not have libgcrypt, you still have simple digitally signed cookies that are still safe.


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