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Difference "How to Contribute to CppCMS Project" ver. 12 versus ver. 13


## Support CppCMS
> I like this project, I want to make
> [the world greener](/wikipp/en/page/rationale)
> How can I help?
### Basic Help
First of all CppCMS project would be glad to receive any help, there is a lot of work to do and any help would be appropriate.
First of all the CppCMS project would be glad to receive any help. There is still a lot of work to do, and any help would be appreciated.
I would strongly recommend you join the [cppcms-users]( mailing list. This allows the CppCMS community to communicate with each other, and allows you to get the latest updates and see the recent developments.
The most basic and most important help you can provide is to work with CppCMS and build applications. If you find issues _report them_. It's very important to receive feedback from the community to be able to create a high quality framework.
There are many other areas you can help that are not directly
related to coding: translate software and documentation, provide examples etc.
### Donations
The CppCMS project can receive donations via SourceForge's donation system.
If you are willing to donate, please follow this link:
Financial support would help the project developers spend more time on the project and create a better product.
### Promotion
Are you using CppCMS?
Spread the word, let the world know about you and add yourself to the [who uses CppCMS](/wikipp/en/page/who_uses) page.
### Contributing code
If you decide that you'd like to contribute to the code, the first thing I would recommend is to read the coding standards document. This will help you understand what you should and shouldn't do.
- [CppCMS Coding Standards](/wikipp/en/page/cppcms_1x_coding_standards)
Please do not forget [this section](/wikipp/en/page/cppcms_1x_coding_standards#Copyrights) about copyrights policy.
Next step, write patches and send them to me, I would review them and if everything ok I would integrate them
to the CppCMS source tree.
If you want to become a project member, send me some information about yourself, open a SourceForge account, and after several significant patches I would be glad to provide you write SVN access.
In any case, feel free to write me on the CppCMS mailing list or directly to _artyomtnk_ **AT** _yahoo_ **DOT** _com_.


CppCMS is a web development framework for performance demanding applications.

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