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Difference "Non Blocking IO" ver. 1 versus ver. 2


CppCMS 1.1 introduced non-blocking I/O that improves basic asynchronous I/O.
## Problem
We have a simple application that broadcasts same message
to multiple clients:
void on_new_conn()
void broadcast(std::string const &msg)
using cppcms::http::context;
for(auto ctx :conns_) {
ctx->response().out() << msg;
[this](context::competion_type c){
if(c==context::operation_completed) {
std::set<booster::shared_ptr<cppcms::http::context> > conns_;
So in order to send a message of few bytes that most likely would
be executed immediately you copy the data to intermediate buffers,
create a callback object for an event loop and insert context back to wait queue.
It may be very costly operation.
## Non Blocking API
So CppCMS 1.1 introduced non-blocking API to `cppcms::http::response`.
`full_asynchronous_buffering(bool enable)` - enable or disable full buffering. By disabling it you allow to send output when buffer becomes full or upon flushing output stream.
Now if I/O operation blocks - the pending output is stored and it is possible to check this case by calling `pending_blocked_output()` member function. In such a case you can resort to standard `context::async_flush_output(callback)` and wait when the stream becomes ready.
Our example becomes, little bit more complex:
void on_new_conn()
void broadcast(std::string const &msg)
using cppcms::http::context;
auto pctx = conns_.begin()
auto ctx = *pctx++;
ctx->response().out() << msg << std::flush;
if(!ctx->response().out()) {
[=](context::competion_type c){
if(c==context::operation_completed) {
std::set<booster::shared_ptr<cppcms::http::context> conns_;
First we disable full output buffering such that I/O operations
on `response::out` can actually generate traffic.
ctx->response().out() << msg << std::flush;
Than during broadcast we write the data and flush the stream. We check if aerror occurred on the stream (for example remote client disconnected) and if so we remove the context from usable contexts list.
if(!ctx->response().out()) {
Then if all data was written `pending_blocked_output()==false` we
can continue no callbacks needed.
And finally, if there is some stuff waiting to be sent we
fall back to usual asynchronous callbacks:
[=](context::competion_type c){
if(c==context::operation_completed) {
This makes operations more complicated due to requirement
of handling blocking operations, but in general this approach
provide much higher performance especially when many small I/O
operations are required.
of handling blocking operations, but in general this approach provide much higher performance especially when many small I/O operations are required.
## Buffering
Additionally you can define output buffer size calling `setbuf(int size)`. If you set the size to 0, than transferring the data becomes direct, without even coping memory. For example if you sending same data to multiple connections it wouldn't be copied but rather send directly over TCP/IP socket to each one of the clients.
Additionally you can define output buffer size calling `setbuf(int size)`.
One special case is setting the size to 0, in such a case
than transferring the data becomes direct, without even coping memory. For example if you sending same prepared
data to multiple connections it wouldn't be copied to temporary buffers but rather send directly over TCP/IP socket to each one of the clients.
In our example we send a single `std::string` as message so
it fits our case. We need to do few changes.
First disable buffer entirely:
response().setbuf(0); // no buffering
Then we don't need to call std::flush on the output at all:
ctx->response().out() << msg;
But it does not hurt either.


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