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Difference "New Plugin API in 1.2" ver. 2 versus ver. 3


CppCMS 1.2 introduces a new plugin API together with new improved support of dynamic templates
## Writing Plugins
Plugins are shared object that can register their functions within `cppcms::plugin::manager` singleton. For example:
For example you write some class that implements a certain API:
namespace myplugin {
class my_class : public plugin_api {
statuc my_class *create(std::string const &parameter)
return new my_class(parameter);
Than you can register it within the `plugin::manager` using special macro.
CPPCMS_PLUGIN_ENTRY(myplugin,my_class::create,plugin_api *(std::string const &))
Note: the 3rd parameter that defines the signature of the entry for typesafe plugin access.
Than you can access the required plugins from the main code calling
// callback object
booster::callback<plugin_api *(std::string const &)> cb;
// get it from plugin
cb = cppcms::manager::instance().entry<plugin_api *(std::string const &)>("myplugin","my_class::create");
// call it
plugin_api *ptr = cb("foo");
## Loading plugins
`cppcms::service` allows to load the plugins [from the configuration](/wikipp/en/page/cppcms_1x_config#plugin)
You can also link the views with the same plugin and they will be loaded automatically.
## Template System Support
In order to create dynamically loaded templates from plugins, there are several improvements in template systems:
New [view helpers](/wikipp/en/page/cppcms_1x_templates_comm#Views.Helpers) allow to call specific functions from templates by their names
You can create [abstract and inline views](/wikipp/en/page/cppcms_1x_templates_block#view) so plugins can easily extend them.
Using new [view helpers](/wikipp/en/page/cppcms_1x_templates_comm#Views.Helpers) you can call specific functions from templates by their names
<% using master_api as m from a_skin, "api" %>
<% include foo() from m %>
<% end using %>
You can use specific `gettext` [domain](/wikipp/en/page/cppcms_1x_templates_comm#Selecting.localization.domain) for each of the views separately so plugin can run withing its own domain transparently from its caller.


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