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Difference "Understanding Application Lifetime" ver. 1 versus ver. 2


## Introduction
CppCMS is designed for high performance and thus it "caches" anything possible. Same the application objects.
Before we begin, it is very important to distinct between two types of applications (classes derived from `cppcms::application`):
1. **Synchronous applications** - the most common type of applications: the ordinary applications that are designed to handle normal request.
2. **Asynchronous application** - the special applications that are designed to handle multiple request and support long pooling.
## Synchronous Applications
### Single Application
Synchronous applications live in a pool. They are generated by a special `cppcms::applications_pool::factory` object
that is mounted to the [`applications_pool`](/cppcms_ref_v0_99/classcppcms_1_1applications__pool.html) object.
These object are long-living object and once they created
they are usually cached in the pool for future reuse.
Upon incoming request the application if fetched from the
pool or new one is created. The special `cppcms::http::context` object is assigned to the application during all request processing,
This request is processed in the thread pool by
calling the `application::main()` virtual function
that actually handles the request.
Once the request is complete, this context is unassigned
and the application is returned back to the pool
for future reuse.
So when your write your own applications, you may assume
that their constructors are not called frequently. You should also assume that they will "kept alive" for a long time.
It is good idea to cache some general non-mutable
information withing such object.
### Applications with Children
Each application can have multiple children applications, for example:
Each child application can be connected to the parent
via [`add` or `attach`](/cppcms_ref_v0_99/classcppcms_1_1application.html) member functions
in the constructor. Each application shares its lifetime and its `cppcms::http::context` with its parent.
Even thou they are different object and different
classes they are tightly bounded and live
together as long as topmost-parent lives, `blog` in our case.
## Asynchronous Applications
### Lifetime
Unlike synchronous applications that have multiple
instances in the applications pool and are executed
in thread pool, asynchronous applications
are designed to handle multiple connections
These applications live as long as their reference
counter is not 0. Once reference counter
goes to 0 the application is destroyed and automatically
unmounted from the applications pool.
So in order to keep asynchronous application alive
you need to do one of the following:
1. Keep a persistent `intrusive_ptr` smart pointer
pointer on the application, for example
in your `main()` function.
This is suitable for long running applications that
exist all the time the service is running.
2. Make sure that you have event handlers that hold
a smart pointer and waiting for the event.
This is usually done by passing `intrusive_ptr` withing
the event handler.
Such method is suitable for temporary
applications that may represent for example
different information channels like chat rooms
that may be created or destroyed
at some point.
When you have application hierarchy


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