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Difference "CppCMS 1.x.x Build Troubleshooting" ver. 1 versus ver. 2


**Lots of tests fails**
**Lots of tests fails, for `example form_test`, `cookies_test`, `proto_test_async_http` etc.**
Something like this:
8 - form_test (Failed)
9 - cookie_test (Failed)
10 - internal_forwarder_test (Failed)
11 - forwarder_test (Failed)
12 - jsonrpc_test (Failed)
13 - proto_test_async_http (Failed)
14 - proto_test_async_scgi (Failed)
16 - proto_test_sync_http (Failed)
17 - proto_test_sync_scgi (Failed)
34 - test_aio_socket (Failed)
35 - test_aio_endpoint (Failed)
36 - test_aio_prefork (Failed)
Make sure you have no applications using 8080 and 8081 ports.
**Almost every test fails, and I use Windows**
Make sure that you setup PATH environment variable correctly,
it should point to current` build\booster` directory and
to directories where 3rd part library placed.


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