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Difference "CppCMS 1.x.x Configuration" ver. 2 versus ver. 3


## General
CppCMS configuration file is a simple text file
that holds all data in [JSON]( format.
It is actually a single JSON object that holds all CppCMS configuration, usually it is passed to application using switch `-c file_name.js`
The syntax of the JSON format is slightly extended to support C++ like comments `//` and allows extra comma separator before `]` or `}` for simplicity.
For example:
"service" : {
"api" : "http",
"port" : 8080,
// "port" : 8000,
"http" : {
"script_names" : [ "/hello" ]
Each option we would describe by its full path from the root, for example `service.api` is the above case is "http".
## service
### service.api
This options specifies the API the CppCMS application communicates with client or web server.
- `fastcgi` - use FastCGI protocol
- `scgi` - use SCGI protocol
- `http` - use HTTP protocol. **Use this only for debugging, never use this in production environment**
- `fastcgi` - use FastCGI protocol
- `scgi` - use SCGI protocol
- `http` - use HTTP protocol. **Use this only for
debugging, never use this in production environment**
Note, you need also provide [`http.script_names`](#http.script_names) or [`http.script`](#http.script) options, optionally [`file_server`](#file_server) definitons
### service.ip
This option defines the IPv4/IPv6 IP the application should listen on. By default it listens on "".
### service.port
This option defines the port the application is listens
on, default is 8080.
### service.socket
This option defines the Unix domain socket that the application should listen on.
Note: you may specify either port and ip or socket, you can't specify both.
### service.list
You may specify a list of listeners that use different
kinds of APIs or listen on different ports. These
are objects similar to [`service`](#service) object but
receives only [`api`](#service.api), [`ip`](#service.ip), [`port`](#service.port) and [`socket`](#service.socket) options.
You can specify either `service.list` or `service.api` but not both!
For example:
"service" : {
"list" : [
{ "api" : "http" , "port" : 8080 },
{ "api" : "http" , "port" : 8000 }


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