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Difference "CppCMS 1.x.x Configuration" ver. 6 versus ver. 7


## General
CppCMS configuration file is a simple text file
that holds all data in [JSON]( format.
It is actually a single JSON object that holds all CppCMS configuration, usually it is passed to application using switch `-c file_name.js`
The syntax of the JSON format is slightly extended to support C++ like comments `//` and allows extra comma separator before `]` or `}` for simplicity.
For example:
"service" : {
"api" : "http",
"port" : 8080,
// "port" : 8000,
"http" : {
"script_names" : [ "/hello" ]
Each option we would describe by its full path from the root, for example `service.api` is the above case is "http".
## service
### service.api
This options specifies the API the CppCMS application communicates with client or web server.
- `fastcgi` - use FastCGI protocol
- `scgi` - use SCGI protocol
- `http` - use HTTP protocol. **Use this only for
debugging, never use this in production environment**
Note, you need also provide [`http.script_names`](#http.script\\_names) or [`http.script`](#http.script) options, optionally [`file_server`](#file\\_server) definitions
### service.ip
This option defines the IPv4/IPv6 IP the application should listen on. By default it listens on "".
### service.port
This option defines the port the application is listens
on, default is 8080.
### service.socket
This option defines the Unix domain socket that the application should listen on.
Note: you may specify either port and ip or socket, you can't specify both.
### service.list
You may specify a list of listeners that use different
kinds of APIs or listen on different ports. These
are objects similar to [`service`](#service) object but
receives only [`api`](#service.api), [`ip`](#service.ip), [`port`](#service.port) and [`socket`](#service.socket) options.
You can specify either `service.list` or `service.api` but not both!
For example:
"service" : {
"list" : [
{ "api" : "http" , "port" : 8080 },
{ "api" : "http" , "port" : 8000 }
### service.worker\_threads
The number of worker threads per process. Default is 5.
### service.worker\_processes
The number of forked worker processes. This option is relevant only for POSIX platforms.
- 0 means no fork is executed
- 1 means that one child process is forked and the parent supervises and and would restart if in case of crash.
- >1 several processes are forked and try to accept incoming connections.
### service.backlog
The second parameter to `listen()` system call, by default it is twice of size of [`service.worker_threads`](#service.worker\\_threads).
It is good idea to set it to high values if you experience problems in connecting to server.
### service.applications\_pool\_size
User application objects are generally cached in special pool for future faster reuse, this parameter defines maximal number of applications that can be cached there.
By default it is twice of size of [`service.worker_threads`](#service.worker\\_threads).
### service.disable\_global\_exit\_handling
By default CppCMS application installs signal handlers for
`SIGINT`, `SIGTERM` and `SIGUSR1` that cause the application to shutdown properly. Note: under Windows it uses `SetConsoleCtrlHandler` for this purpose.
You may disable this in case of your own exit handling by
setting this parameter to `true`.
### service.disable\_xpowered\_by
By default CppCMS sends `X-Powered-By: CppCMS/X.Y.Z` handler in response, this can be disabled by setting this parameter to true.
## security
These settings have various aspects on the security of the application.
### security.content\_length\_limit
The maximal size of POST data in KB. Default is 1024KM (1MB)
### security.multipart\_form\_data\_limit
The maximal size of `multipart/form_data` POST in KB (i.e. maximal allowed upload size). Default is 64MB.
### security.file\_in\_memory\_limit
When files are uploaded for efficiency, small files are generally stored in memory and big ones are saved in files.
This is the limit on the file size to be stored in memory in _bytes_. Default is 128 KB.
### security.uploads\_path
The location of temporary upload files. By default they are saved in the temporary directory defined by `TEMP` or `TMP` environment variable.
You may specify other path.
Note: when you use `safe_to` member function of `cppcms::http::file` it first tries to move file to new location rather then copy. So if you plan to upload huge files it is good idea to put `uploads_path` and the final path where use files are stored on same file system and mount point.
## http
HTTP backend specific settings
### http.script
The name of script that the application runs on. Actually it is what the `SCRIPT_NAME` CGI variable should be.
If you using HTTP backend you need to specify one.
The script name is matched against requested URL and if
it matches its beginning it is used for dispatch application.
For example:
"http" : { "script" : "/my_cool_app" }
### http.script\_names
Same as [`http.script`](#http.script) but receives as parameter a list of scripts so if you want to specify
"http" : {
"script_names" : [ "/foo", "/bar" ]
### http.proxy
This settings are used to change behavior of setting
CGI variables `REMOTE_ADDR` and `REMOTE_HOST` to
the correct values provided by special headers.
#### http.proxy.behind
Set it to `true` to change the CGI variables to values
given by proxy.
#### http.proxy.remote\_addr\_headers
List of headers that should be treated like remote host IPs.
The default header is `X-Forwarded-For`. For example:
remote_addr_headers : [ "X-Real-IP" ]
## file\_server
This are settings of simple internal file server that can be used for debug purposes.
Don't use it in production as you don't use [`service.api`](#service.api) = "http" in production.
### file_server.enable
By default it is disabled. You should enable it explicitly by setting this value to `true`
### file_server.document\_root
### file\_server.document\_root
The document root for the file server. Default is current working directory - i.e. ".".
Note, files outside this directory would not be served even if symbolic links inside this directory point to other location outside `document_root`
### file_server.mime\_types
### file\_server.mime\_types
Specify location of the definition of Apache like mime.types file in format:
content/type ext1 [ext2 ...]
Where comment is line starting with \#. For example:
# Comment
application/postscript ps ai eps espi epsf eps2 eps3
application/pdf pdf
### file\_server.allow\_deflate
Allow compression of uploaded text files like html files.
By default disabled. To enable set it to `true`.


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