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## Introduction
This is a collection of small howtos. Most experienced C++ developers would find the official documentation enough, but some less experienced developers might find the following useful.
## How to compile the templates with cmake?
First, create your CMakeLists.txt as you would for a simple application (see cmake documentation or see the [cmake file of wikipp](
In order for cmake to compile the template whenever your .tmpl files have changed and only then, add the following to your CMakeList.txt file:
set(TEMPLATES my_view.tmpl)
COMMAND cppcms_tmpl_cc
-o ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/my_view.cpp
See also the [discussion at Stack overflow](
See also the [discussion at Stack overflow](
## How to activate CppCMS logging?
Add the following lines to `config.js` (CppCMS configuration file):
"logging" : {
"level" : "debug"
`debug` is the more verbose logging level.
You can now generate debug messages by including the following lines in your application:
#include <booster/log.h>
BOOSTER_DEBUG("application_name") << "message";
See also [logging](
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