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Difference "Internals" ver. 3 versus ver. 4


The CppCMS framework consists of following parts:
## Long Living Classes
- Central `service` --- the major class that holds
the main application loop and manages all resources.
All global resources are accessed via this service.
It also hold the main event driven execution loop
based on `boost::asio::io_service`.
- `applications_pool` --- it the class that holds
a pool of user created applications and dispatches
them according to requested url. It is the major
connector between URL and application.
Each time the page is requested an application fetched
from it and then returned back for recycling.
- `thread_pool` --- is the thread pool for long running
and time consuming jobs that can't be executed withing
asynchronous event loop.
Generally, when new request arrives it is executed
by application in the `thread_pool`.
- `locale::pool` --- is the gateway to i18n and l10n
world. It holds the set of `std::locale` for each
supported locale required by developer. It also
adds custom facets like `gettext` in order to extend
localization capabilities behind the strict set of
facets provided by standard C++.
- The configuration of all CppCMS components is done
via single JSON object that is loaded by `service`
and accessible via `json::object const &settings()`
member function of `service` class.


CppCMS is a web development framework for performance demanding applications.

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