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Difference "JSON RPC" ver. 1 versus ver. 2


## Introduction
[JSON-RPC]( is remote procedure call protocol implemented using JSON data.
It is a lightweight protocol that allows easy Ajax
based communication between the browser and the
C++ application.
CppCMS implements [JSON-RPC 1.0]( specifications over HTTP protocol.
## JSON-RPC Service
### Methods
Let's create a simple RPC service that allows us
to add and divide numbers.
JSON-RPC Service should be derived from `cppcms::rpc::json_rpc_server` that on the other hand
is derived from `cppcms::application`.
class json_service :
public cppcms::rpc::json_rpc_server {
When we use JSON-RPC service we bind between PRC methods
and the application member functions, similarly to what
we done for URL dispatching.
In our case:
json_service(cppcms::service &srv) : cppcms::rpc::json_rpc_server(srv)
Similarly to URL mapper we connect the "sum" meber
function to "sum" JSON-RPC method and specify that this
is a method that should return a value (not notification)
Now we implement our service:
void sum(int x,int y)
void div(int x,int y)
return_error("Division by zero");
Please note, out functions create two types of the
response: normal result response and error response
as defined by JSON-RPC specification.
The parameters of the method call are automatically
converted to appropriate C++ object. If the conversion
can't be done, the error would be automatically returned
and the functions would not be called. Similarly integer
result is automatically converted to `cppcms::json::value`
Similarly to the way we mount `cppcms::application` based
classes we create our JSON-RPC service:
cppcms::service srv(argc,argv);
srv.applications_pool().mount( cppcms::applications_factory<json_service>());;
### Client Side Code
Let's create a small form that would handle RPC request
for us:
<form onsubmit="return call();">
<input type="text" id="x" />
<input type="submit" value="/" />
<input type="text" id="y" /> =
<span id="result"></span>
Now let's implement JSON-RPC call using XmlHTTPRequest - function call:
function call() {
First we create the XMLHttpRequest object and set
essential content-type "application/json":
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"post", '/rpc');
// Required by JSON-RPC over HTTP
Then we configure our JSON-RPC request:
// It is better to use real formatter like JSON.js
var x=parseInt(document.getElementById('x').value);
var y=parseInt(document.getElementById('y').value);
var request = '{"method":"div","params":[' + x + ',' + y +'],"id":1}';
Define `onreadystatechange` callback and send the request:
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
return false;
The callback function would look like:
if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
var res;
if(xhr.status === 200) {
// Don't call eval in real code use some parser
var result = eval('(' + xhr.responseText + ')');
if(result.error==null) {
res = result.result;
else {
res = result.error;
else {
res = 'Invalid Status ' + xhr.status;
document.getElementById('result').innerHTML = res;
Upon sucesseful completion of XHR we parse
the response and setup the result value.
### Notifications
JSON-RPC specifies two types of remote calls:
- methods - the calls that return certain values
- notification - `void` like calls that do not return
The two functions above (div and sum) were methods.
If we want to have notifications we can create them
as simple as methods:
Notification method `notify` function should not call `return_result` or `return_error`, on the other hand `both` should return the result if required:
void notify(std::string msg)
std::cout << "We got notification " << msg << std::endl;
void both(std::string msg)
std::cout << "We got notification " << msg << std::endl;
## JSON-PRC Clients
There are many client side toolkits like Dojo that provide
sophisticated JSON-RPC clients. Feel free to choose
whatever client you like as long as it supports
**Note:** JSON-RPC 1.0 is the only valid standard, JSON-RPC 2.0 is still draft and relays on JSON-Schema that is
draft-standard as well, that is why it is not implemented.
You can also find a simple JSON-RPC client in CppCMS
## Introduction
[JSON-RPC]( is remote procedure call protocol implemented using JSON data.
It is a lightweight protocol that allows easy Ajax
based communication between the browser and the
C++ application.
CppCMS implements [JSON-RPC 1.0]( specifications over HTTP protocol.
## JSON-RPC Service
### Methods
Let's create a simple RPC service that allows us
to add and divide numbers.
JSON-RPC Service should be derived from `cppcms::rpc::json_rpc_server` that on the other hand
is derived from `cppcms::application`.
class json_service :
public cppcms::rpc::json_rpc_server {
When we use JSON-RPC service we bind between PRC methods
and the application member functions, similarly to what
we done for URL dispatching.
In our case:
json_service(cppcms::service &srv) : cppcms::rpc::json_rpc_server(srv)
Similarly to URL mapper we connect the "sum" meber
function to "sum" JSON-RPC method and specify that this
is a method that should return a value (not notification)
Now we implement our service:
void sum(int x,int y)
void div(int x,int y)
return_error("Division by zero");
Please note, out functions create two types of the
response: normal result response and error response
as defined by JSON-RPC specification.
The parameters of the method call are automatically
converted to appropriate C++ object. If the conversion
can't be done, the error would be automatically returned
and the functions would not be called. Similarly integer
result is automatically converted to `cppcms::json::value`
Similarly to the way we mount `cppcms::application` based
classes we create our JSON-RPC service:
cppcms::service srv(argc,argv);
srv.applications_pool().mount( cppcms::applications_factory<json_service>());;
### Client Side Code
Let's create a small form that would handle RPC request
for us:
<form onsubmit="return call();">
<input type="text" id="x" />
<input type="submit" value="/" />
<input type="text" id="y" /> =
<span id="result"></span>
Now let's implement JSON-RPC call using XmlHTTPRequest - function call:
function call() {
First we create the XMLHttpRequest object and set
essential content-type "application/json":
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"post", '/rpc');
// Required by JSON-RPC over HTTP
Then we configure our JSON-RPC request:
// It is better to use real formatter like JSON.js
var x=parseInt(document.getElementById('x').value);
var y=parseInt(document.getElementById('y').value);
var request = '{"method":"div","params":[' + x + ',' + y +'],"id":1}';
Define `onreadystatechange` callback and send the request:
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
return false;
The callback function would look like:
if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
var res;
if(xhr.status === 200) {
// Don't call eval in real code use some parser
var result = eval('(' + xhr.responseText + ')');
if(result.error==null) {
res = result.result;
else {
res = result.error;
else {
res = 'Invalid Status ' + xhr.status;
document.getElementById('result').innerHTML = res;
Upon sucesseful completion of XHR we parse
the response and setup the result value.
### Notifications
JSON-RPC specifies two types of remote calls:
- methods - the calls that return certain values
- notification - `void` like calls that do not return
The two functions above (div and sum) were methods.
If we want to have notifications we can create them
as simple as methods:
Notification method `notify` function should not call `return_result` or `return_error`, on the other hand `both` should return the result if required:
void notify(std::string msg)
std::cout << "We got notification " << msg << std::endl;
void both(std::string msg)
std::cout << "We got notification " << msg << std::endl;
## JSON-PRC Clients
There are many client side toolkits like Dojo that provide
sophisticated JSON-RPC clients. Feel free to choose
whatever client you like as long as it supports
**Note:** JSON-RPC 1.0 is the only valid standard, JSON-RPC 2.0 is still draft and relays on JSON-Schema that is
draft-standard as well, that is why it is not implemented.
You can also find a simple JSON-RPC client in CppCMS
sources under `contrib/client_side/jsonrpc`


## Related
- [JSON](/wikipp/en/page/cppcms_1x_json)
## Related
- [JSON](/wikipp/en/page/cppcms_1x_json)
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