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Difference "Server configuration troubleshooting" ver. 1 versus ver. 2


[Back to server configuration](/wikipp/en/page/cppcms_1x_tut_web_server_config).
## Apache 2
### FastCGI: failed to connect to server
All seems to be perfectly configured, but the browser complains about an internal server error / misconfiguration. The apache error logs for the site have:
(13)Permission denied: FastCGI: failed to connect to server
FastCGI: incomplete headers (0 bytes) received from server
Solution: see [Common log file errors]( :
FastCGI cannot connect to the application socket because it does not have the correct ownership or permissions. This usually happens in external mode, when the application you are trying to run creates the socket itself. Make sure you are running the application as the web server user and that the web server can read and write from and to the socket. Sometimes the socket will not be removed by Apache or your application, and it will have the wrong permissions. Your application can’t overwrite the socket with a correct one, and fails silently. Make sure to remove any socket files before starting Apache.


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