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Difference "CppCMS 1.x.x tasks" ver. 8 versus ver. 9


## Milestone Marks
Each task is marked with milestones:
- Mb - first beta version milestone. Task should be complete before first Beta release.
- Mrc - first release candidate. Task should be complete before first release candidate.
- Ms - first stable release. Task should be complete
before first stable release (including ABI stable)
- Mn - next stable release.
- Task that require **changes** in public API should
be completed before RC1
- Task that does not require changes in API at all may be done till stable or next release, depending on importance.
- Task that extend API should be done either for RC1 so users can review changes or in next release so there would be time for beta testing between versions.
## Booster Tasks.
### AIO Tasks
#### Implementing UDP Support for `booster::aio::socket` - Mn.
Booster.Aio socket supports well stream sockets but
has very poor (if any) support of data-gram sockets.
You can open them, use them but there is no such operations
like `sendto` or `recvfrom` that are data-gram oriented.
Add their implementation to Booster in analogy to
implementations of async/sync read/write operations.
#### Rewrite socket to better class design - Mrc.
At this point, socket does everything, accept, connects,
read, writes, works with pipes and anything else.
Better class hierarchy needed, something like.
- `base_async_io_device`
- `acceptor`
- `base_socket`
- `stream_socket`
- `datagram_socket`
- `pipe`
It is good to fix this before first stable version.
#### Review Of Event Loop - Mrc
Do a code review by somebody who is not Artyom for the
Booster.Aio Event Loop.
### System - Mrc
Booster.System misses `error_condition` class.
Fix `booster::system` to behave according to C++0x, or
just copy the code from Boost.
### Filesystem - Mn
Implement Directory Iterator.
### General tasks - Mn.
- Extract/Reimplement `boost::bind` in Booster.
- Extract/Reimplement `boost::iostreams` in Booster
and replace `cppcms_boost`'s zlib filter with Booster's one.
- Extract/Reimplement `boost::unordered` in Booster.
## CppCMS Core Tasks.
### Implement Pre-Upload file validation - Mrc.
In CppCMS application is created only once the request
is fully ready. And after that use can validate
the uploaded files.
This is quite bad in case of big ones.
Possible solution is store the validation requirements
in the session and let `cppcms::impl::cgi_api`
fetch this session data and use rules to validate
uploaded files.
- Session fetch may be not so cheap, it may be done over network or require DB access.
- Session API allows only synchronous requests.
- File uploading is done in even loop where all operations
should be non-blocking.
Possible solutions:
- Store this data in signed cookies.
- Add asynchronous api to sessions.
- Send session fetch to thread pool till and get
session data this way.
### Implement Connection Forwarding over unix-sockets - Mrc or Mn.
CppCMS forwarding framework allows to forward any connection
to other network node over SCGI API.
Is is very useful to be able to forward connections
between forked processes of same application.
It can be done in much cheaper between forked processes
by forwarding a file descriptor over Unix domain socket and
passing already read information via shared memory.
### Reintegrate Distributed session backend - Mrc.
Distributed session backed was temporary-removed
from the code during refactoring and still hadn't get
So need to revert/rewrite the code in similar way it
is done with TCP Cache backend.
### Optimize AIO - (done)
Rewrite parts of AIO library so they do less
copying of functional objects.
Maybe use `function` with `shared_ptr` like semantics and not copy semantics for AIO (known to give good performance boost)?
Problem with last one is that `std::tr1::function` or
`boost::function` has copy semantics so it is very
dangerous to call it `booster::function` as users
don't read small-letters.
### Optimize FCGI Server - Ms (done)
### Optimize FCGI Server (done)
Today FCGI Server is written too "simple" each
record read done in two steps - read header with
length and then read body.
So in avarage it require 6-8 IO operations to read
FCGI request...
As a result it is much slower then SCGI one.
It needed to be rewritten and tested carefully.
### Improve Unit-Test coverage - Ms
- Sesssion API
- Cache API
- Templates System
### Provide Additional Signing HMACs - Ms
CppCMS uses md5-hmac for signing cookies. MD5 is known
to be weak (not in case of HMAC, but lets explain it
to somebody)
So SHA family of digest should be integrated and
used for HMAC.
Requires: get proven MIT, BSD, Boost or Public-Domain code
for SHA-1 (160), SHA-192, SHA-224, SHA-256 , SHA-384, SHA-512 and let user decide what he or she wants for
## Documentation tasks
### Booster Reference Documentation - Mrc
Write Missing documentation for Booster classes using
Doxygen - especially for ones that have no Boost
### Document Template System - (done)
There were changes in template system, the documentation
should be updated.
### Document Configuration File - Mb basic, Mrc full
Configuration system had totally changed, requires
full documentation.
### Write Examples - Ms.
- AJAX using Asynchronos JSON-RPC
- Comet Programming
- File Uploading + validation
- Good caching examples.
## Non-Critical CppCMS tasks
### Implement Locale sensitive Date-Time Form Widgets - Ms
ICU provides good features for parsing and formatting
dates and times, implement Date-Time Widget
for this purpose.
It is not so-straightforward as user should know the
format he/she enters the data, such information
is not supplied by any existing widgets.
Think what to do in case of no-icu builds.
### Rewrite Cache's index to use has instead of tree - Mn
Cache backed uses `map` and may use `unordered_map`.
But it is not so simple:
- `unordered_map`, unlike `std::map` may invalidate iterators so direct replacement would not work.
- timeout index probably should be removed as well as
it requires O(log n) access.
And will it bring real performance benefit at all?
## New CppCMS Features
### Implement Active Cache invalidation - Mn
Distributed Cache system implements L1/L2 cache
allowing a cache client to check if the data is
has is still up-to-date without reading it back.
However each access to cache still require TCP-ping-pong.
So instead active cache invalidation may be done: when
trigger is risen or new data is stored a sort of
a message that causes all clients to drop invalid
cache is broad-casted.
Need to be implemented.
### Provide option for additional cryptographic library - Ms.
CppCMS uses gnu-tls's implementation of AES for
encrypting cookies.
gnu-tls does not work with MSVC compiler, so needed an
option to use other library for AES encryption.
It should be:
- Licensed under LGPL compatible library (OpenSSL fails)
- ABI stable
### XSS Filter - Mn
Provide HTML filter that allows filtering HTML tags
and properties using strict white list.
Make it manually configurable and allow loading
configuration from JSON.
Needed very fine grained definition of tags and properties
including checks of correct nesting and specifications
of regex for each property if needed.
### Improve Support of RESTful services - Mn
Provide friendly API for RESTful applications in similar
way it is done today for JSON-RPC
### SQL Library - Mn
Consider writing replacement for `dbixx`:
- Write my own SQL Library (i.e. replace dbi)?
- Improve libdbi - make sure it works on more platforms.
- Improve SOCI?
- Fork SOCI?


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