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Difference "Templates: Top Level Blocks (v 1.x)" ver. 4 versus ver. 5


## General notes
Each block begins with its definition and ends with special command `end`.
'end' [ 'skin' | 'view' | 'template' ]
This command may optionally include block type after it. For example:
<% skin myskin %>
<% view master uses data %>
<% end view %>
<% end %>
So we closed `skin` without block type and `view` with specification.
It may be used as additional checking of order of blocks.
## skin
### Syntax:
'skin' [NAME]
It is topmost command in every template.
`skin` can be specified by specific name, or omitted that means that its name should be defined
externally during build process using switch `-s`.
### Notes
- If all the skin you create would not share any part with other skin, specify its name, otherwise use blank and pass
its name using switch.
- if you pass skin name using a switch `-s` it should
match the name of the skin you use in the skin command.
- You can't use more then one skin name in same `cppcms_tmpl_cc` compilation.
**For example:**
Correct Example 1:
<% skin foo %>
<% end %>
cppcms_tmpl_cc foo.tmpl -s foo
Correct Example 2:
<% skin foo %>
<% end %>
cppcms_tmpl_cc foo.tmpl
Correct Example 3:
<% skin %>
<% end %>
cppcms_tmpl_cc foo.tmpl -s foo
Correct Example 4:
<% skin %>
<% end %>
<% skin foo %>
<% end %>
cppcms_tmpl_cc foo.tmpl bar.tmpl -s foo
Wrong - two different skins in same compilation:
<% skin foo %>
<% end %>
<% skin bar %>
<% end %>
cppcms_tmpl_cc foo.tmpl bar.tmpl
Wrong - unknown skin name:
<% skin %>
<% end %>
cppcms_tmpl_cc foo.tmpl foo.tmpl
## view
### Syntax:
'view' NAME 'uses' IDENTIFIER ['extends' NAME]
Creates new view (C++ class) that responsible on rendering specific type of content pages. `'uses' IDENTIFIER` specifies the type of the content (some object derived from `cppcms::base_content`) that this view should render. It actually defines `content` reference member of this type.
Remember this note, in some cases, you would have to access `content` member directly.
You can specify `'extends' NAME` if you want that new created view would inherit other view.
### Derivation restrictions
When you create derived view, the content of the child should be derived from the content of its parent as well.
For example:
<% view master uses data::master %>
<% end view %>
<% view page uses data::page extends master %>
<% end view %>
Then, `data::page` _must_ be derived from `data::master`.
When you create `master` parent you need provide for it a content as well. It receives its child content, thus it
may work if its child content derived from its parent content.
### Generated Code
The generated code for the above two examples would look like this (approximately):
struct master :public cppcms::base_view
data::master &content;
master(std::ostream &_s,data::master &_content):
}; // end of class master
struct page :public master
data::page &content;
page(std::ostream &_s,data::page &_content):
}; // end of class page
## template
### Syntax
Definition of template consists of its name, round brackets and optional, comma separated list of parameters:
'template' NAME '(' [ parameter [',' parameter ... ] ] ')'
Where `parameters` is :
IDENTIFIER ['const' ] ['&'] NAME
For example:
<% template render() %>
<% template show_list(data::list_t const &list) %>
<% template show_numbers(int x,int y, double z) %>
Note: you can not specify template parameters like `list<int>`. You should define a type for them.
### Generated Code
Each template is translated to virtual member function of the class it defined in. This function
returns `void` and receives defined parameters, thus, `show_list` in the above example would be
translated to:
virtual void show_list(data::list_t const &list)
## General notes
Each block begins with its definition and ends with the special command `end`.
'end' [ 'skin' | 'view' | 'template' ]
This command may optionally include the block type after it. For example:
<% skin myskin %>
<% view master uses data %>
<% end view %>
<% end %>
Above, we closed `view` using its specification but we closed `skin` without specifying its block type.
## skin
### Syntax:
'skin' [NAME]
It is the topmost command in every template.
The name of the `skin` can be specified or omitted in which case its name should be defined externally during the build process using the switch `-s`.
### Notes
- If all the templates you create within one skin will not share any parts with other skin, specify the skin's name, otherwise use blank and pass its name using the switch.
- If you pass the skin name using the switch `-s`, it should
match the name of the skin you use in the skin command.
- You can't use more then one skin name in the same `cppcms_tmpl_cc` compilation.
**For example:**
Correct Example 1:
<% skin foo %>
<% end %>
cppcms_tmpl_cc foo.tmpl -s foo
Correct Example 2:
<% skin foo %>
<% end %>
cppcms_tmpl_cc foo.tmpl
Correct Example 3:
<% skin %>
<% end %>
cppcms_tmpl_cc foo.tmpl -s foo
Correct Example 4:
<% skin %>
<% end %>
<% skin foo %>
<% end %>
cppcms_tmpl_cc foo.tmpl bar.tmpl -s foo
Wrong - two different skins in the same compilation:
<% skin foo %>
<% end %>
<% skin bar %>
<% end %>
cppcms_tmpl_cc foo.tmpl bar.tmpl
Wrong - unknown skin name:
<% skin %>
<% end %>
cppcms_tmpl_cc foo.tmpl foo.tmpl
## view
### Syntax:
'view' NAME 'uses' IDENTIFIER ['extends' NAME]
Creates a new view (C++ class) that is responsible for rendering a specific type of content pages. `'uses' IDENTIFIER` specifies the type of the content (some object derived from `cppcms::base_content`) that this view should render. It actually defines `content` reference member of this type.
Note: in some cases, you may have to access `content` members directly.
You can specify `'extends' NAME` if you want the view to inherit from another view.
### Derivation restrictions
When you create a derived view, the content of the child should be derived from the content of its parent as well.
For example:
<% view master uses data::master %>
<% end view %>
<% view page uses data::page extends master %>
<% end view %>
Then, `data::page` _must_ be derived from `data::master`.
When you create the `master` parent you need to provide its own content as well. It also receives its child content, thus it works only if the child content is derived from the parent content.
### Generated Code
The generated code for the above two examples would approximately look like this:
struct master :public cppcms::base_view
data::master &content;
master(std::ostream &_s,data::master &_content):
}; // end of class master
struct page :public master
data::page &content;
page(std::ostream &_s,data::page &_content):
}; // end of class page
## template
A template corresponds to a member function of a view class.
### Syntax
The definition of template consists of its name, round brackets and an optional, comma separated list of parameters:
'template' NAME '(' [ parameter [',' parameter ... ] ] ')'
Where each `parameter` is:
IDENTIFIER ['const' ] ['&'] NAME
For example:
<% template render() %>
<% template show_list(data::list_t const &list) %>
<% template show_numbers(int x,int y, double z) %>
Note: you can not specify template parameters like `list<int>`. You should define a type for them.
### Generated Code
Each template is translated to virtual member function of the class it is defined in. This function
returns `void` and receives defined parameters, thus, `show_list` in the above example would be
translated to:
virtual void show_list(data::list_t const &list)


## Related
- [Templates](/wikipp/en/page/cppcms_1x_templates)
- [General Concepts](/wikipp/en/page/cppcms_1x_templates_gen)
- [Top Level Blocks](/wikipp/en/page/cppcms_1x_templates_block)
- [Rendering Commands](/wikipp/en/page/cppcms_1x_templates_comm)
- [Flow Control](/wikipp/en/page/cppcms_1x_templates_flow)
## Tutorials
<!-- - [Start With Templates](/wikipp/en/page/tut_hw_templates)
## Related
- [Templates](/wikipp/en/page/cppcms_1x_templates)
- [General Concepts](/wikipp/en/page/cppcms_1x_templates_gen)
- [Top Level Blocks](/wikipp/en/page/cppcms_1x_templates_block)
- [Rendering Commands](/wikipp/en/page/cppcms_1x_templates_comm)
- [Flow Control](/wikipp/en/page/cppcms_1x_templates_flow)
## Tutorials
<!-- - [Start With Templates](/wikipp/en/page/tut_hw_templates)
- [Start With Forms](/wikipp/en/page/tut_forms) -->


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