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Difference "Tutorial: Hello World (v 1.x)" ver. 6 versus ver. 7


Lets write our first CppCMS based application:
First we create a file called hello.cpp and store in
it the following content.
We should import some definitions for our 1st application:
- `cppcms/application.h` - the class `application` that every CppCMS application is derived from.
- `cppcms/applications_pool.h` - class `applications_pool` - the class that manages user applications - creates new per HTTP request and caches them for future use.
- `cppcms/service.h` - the service - central event loop of the network service.
- `cppcms/http_response.h` the class we write our response to the client with.
So let's include them all.
#include <cppcms/application.h>
#include <cppcms/applications_pool.h>
#include <cppcms/service.h>
#include <cppcms/http_response.h>
#include <iostream>
Now we define our first application class, that is
derived from `cppcms::application`. It should receive
in its constructor a reference to the central CppCMS service
that runs our application.
class hello : public cppcms::application {
hello(cppcms::service &srv) :
virtual void main(std::string url);
At this point, in order to respond on user request we
At this point, in order to respond to user requests we
just override `cppcms::application::main` member
function that is always called per each request.
function that is always called for each request.
In this function we will simply write HTML to the output stream. The output stream can be accessed using the `response` member function of the `application` class that gives us access to the output stream `out()`.
void hello::main(std::string /*url*/)
response().out() <<
" <h1>Hello World</h1>\n"
Now lets setup our main function. First we create the
service class that parses command line parameters and searches for configuration options
int main(int argc,char ** argv)
try {
cppcms::service srv(argc,argv);
Then we tell the `applications_pool` class to use our application - `hello` - by providing it a predefined
object factory `cppcms::applications_factory<hello>()`. We then so call mount our application to the pool so it will
be used for request handling.
And now we run our event loop. The `run()` function
exits when the process receives `SIGINT`, `SIGTERM` or `SIGUSR1` signal.;
catch(std::exception const &e) {
std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
That's it, our application is ready, now we can compile it as simply as:
c++ hello.cpp -lcppcms -o hello
Now we need to prepare the configuration file `config.js` that uses JSON file format for passing all options:
"service" : {
"api" : "http",
"port" : 8080
"http" : {
"script_names" : [ "/hello" ]
We setup our service to listen on port 8080 using HTTP
protocol (it is very useful for debugging our applications).
We also provide the `script_names` parameter that defines
the path to the virtual "CGI Scripts" or in simple words
the path that our application should be called from.
Now we can start the application
./hello -c config.js
Go to our browser and hit <http://localhost:8080/hello>
link to see our first CppCMS application working.


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