Difference "Dependecies for Debian and Ubuntu" ver. 1 versus ver. 2
You can install all required packages from official repositories of **Debian Lenny** and **Ubuntu Intrepid (8.10)**. |
## General Dependencies |
- `build-essential` |
For building from svn you need: |
- `subversion` |
- `automake` |
- `autoconf` |
## Framework Dependencies |
### Mandatory |
- `libcgicc5-dev` |
- `libboost1.35-dev` |
- `libboost-iostreams1.35-dev` |
- `libboost-signals1.35-dev` |
- `libboost-regex1.35-dev` |
- `libboost-system1.35-dev` |
- `libboost-date-time1.35-dev` |
### Recommended |
- `libfcgi-dev` |
One of following (web servers): |
- For Lighty: `lighttpd` |
- For Nginx: `nginx` |
- For Apache web server: |
- `apache2-mpm-prefork` or `apache2-mpm-worker` or `apache2-mpm-event` |
- `libapache2-mod-fastcgi` |
### Suggested |
- `libmm-dev` |
- `libgcrypt11-dev` |
- `libsqlite3-dev` |
- `sqlite3` |
- `gettext` |
## DbiXX SQL Library |
### Mandatory |
- `libdbi0-dev` |
### Recomended |
You need one or more according to your needs: |
- `libdbd-mysql` --- for MySQL backend |
- `libdbd-sqlite3` --- for Sqlite3 Backend |
- `libdbd-pgsql` --- for PgSQL backend |
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