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Wikipp is a high performance wiki engine based on CppCMS technology
## Requirements
Before you install WikiPP you need to install
- [CppCMS Framework](/wikipp/en/page/cppcms_1x_build) - version 0.999.0 and above
- [CppDB Library](/sql/cppdb)
- [Discount Markdown Library](
- [Syntax Highligher]( --- recommended but not mandatory.
## Installation of WikiPP
Download wikipp-X.Y.Z.tar.bz2 and extract it:
tar -xjvf wikipp-X.Y.Z.tar.gz
cd wikipp-X.Y.Z
If you are using trunk version:
svn co wikipp
cd wikipp
and then create a build directory
mkdir build
Configure the wiki build system
cmake ..
Or of you want to install to ordinary `/usr` path instead
of `/usr/local`
Then run
And as super user
make install
## Configuration of Wiki
I assume that you had installed wikipp to /usr/local directory (default for configure script). Otherwise, you should update absolute paths given in this documentation
### Database
You can find DB configuration scripts under /usr/local/share/wikipp/sql directory, use them to create a database
- If you use MySQL:
First of all, create database, let's call it "wikipp".
create database wikipp;
Then create all required tables running:
mysql -u username --password=secret wikipp <mysql.sql
- If you use Sqlite3
Create database, and make it accessible to process that would run wikipp:
sqlite3 /var/wikipp/wikipp.db <sqlite3.sql
Make sure that /var/wikipp/wikipp.db is writable by the web server.
- If you use PostgreSQL
createdb wikipp
psql wikipp <postgresql.sql
### WikiPP configuration
Take a sample configuration file placed under /usr/local/shared/wikipp/sample_config.js create a copy and edit it.
1. First create your new, unique private key for session management. Run
cppcms_make_key --hmac sha1 --cbc aes
Or if your cppcms library was build without libgcrypt and openssl:
cppcms_make_key --hmac sha1
Update the private keys in the configuration file.
2. Configure connection string under `wikipp.connection_string`. Don't forget to define `@pool_size` connection string property to enable connection pooling.
Refer to [CppDB manual]( for exact options.
3. Configure your web server according [this manual](/wikipp/en/page/cppcms_1x_tut_web_server_config).
Note, the wikipp media files installed into `/usr/local/share/wikipp/media`. Make sure that you have configured
valid alias to this location and the ``
has correct value assigned according to the location
of the files relatively the the web servers
document root.
4. Make sure that `localization.messages.messages` and `views.paths` points to correct path:
Locale dictionaries:
"localization" : {
"messages" : {
"messages" : [ "/usr/local/share/locale"]
Views path:
"views" : {
"paths" : [ "/usr/local/lib/wikipp" ],


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