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Difference "CppCMS — High Performance C++ Web Framework" ver. 196 versus ver. 197


Version 196Version 197
CppCMS — High Performance C++ Web Frameworkwhat restore bruh


What is [CppCMS]( CppCMS is a [Free]( High Performance Web Development Framework (_not a CMS_) aimed at [Rapid]( Web Application Development. It differs from most other web development frameworks like: Python Django, Java Servlets in the following ways:
1. It is designed and tuned to handle extremely high loads.
2. It uses modern C++ as the primary development language in order to achieve the first goal.
3. It is designed for developing both Web Sites and Web Services.
Starting from version 1.2 it is available under MIT license.
See "[Rationale](/wikipp/en/page/rationale)" for further explanations.
### General
- [FAQ](/wikipp/en/page/faq)
- [Rationale Behind CppCMS](/wikipp/en/page/rationale)
- [Case Study: CppCMS Benchmarks](/wikipp/en/page/benchmarks)
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- [When to Use](/wikipp/en/page/when_to_use_cppcms)
- [Who Uses CppCMS](/wikipp/en/page/who_uses)
- [Road Map to Future](/wikipp/en/page/cppcms_1x_tasks)
- [Secure Programming with CppCMS](/wikipp/en/page/secure_programming)
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- [Nightly Builds and Tests](/wikipp/en/page/nightly)
### Framework Documentation
- [CppCMS 1.x.x - Stable](/wikipp/en/page/cppcms_1x)
- [CppCMS 0.0.x - Old Stable (deprecated)](/wikipp/en/page/cppcms_0x)
- [About the CppCMS versioning scheme](/wikipp/en/page/cppcms_versioning_scheme)
### SQL Connectivity
- [SQL Connectivity](/wikipp/en/page/sql_connectivity)
### CppCMS Based Applications
- [Wikipp - High Performance Wiki Engine](/wikipp/en/page/install_wikipp)
- [CppBlog - High Performance Blog Engine](/wikipp/en/page/install_cppblog)
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CppCMS is a web development framework for performance demanding applications.

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