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What is [CppCMS](http://cppcms.sf.net/)? CppCMS is a [Free](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_and_open_source_software) C++ Web Development Framework (_not a CMS_) aimed for [Rapid](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rapid_application_development) Web Application Development. It differs from most of other web development frameworks like: Python Django, Java Servlets or C++ Wt in following: |
1. It is designed and tuned to handle extremely high loads. |
2. It uses modern C++ as primary development language in order to achieve first goal. |
3. It is aimed on development of Web Sites rather then "GUI Like" web applications. |
See "[Rationale](/wikipp/en/page/rationale)" for further explanations. |
## Documentation |
### Table of Contents |
- [General](#gen) |
- [Project](#proj) |
- [CppCMS 0.0.x - Stable (old version)](#cppcms0) |
- [Tutorials](#tut0) |
- [Reference](#ref0) |
- [Installation](#inst0) |
- [Developers Documentation](#devdoc0) |
- [CppCMS 1.x.x - Upcoming (recommended version)](#cppcms1) |
- [Tutorials](#tut1) |
- [Reference](#ref1) |
- [Installation](#inst1) |
- [Developers Documentation](#devdoc1) |
- [SQL Connectivity](/wikipp/en/page/sql_connectivity) |
- [Wikipp CppCMS based wiki](#wikipp) |
### <span id="gen"></span>General |
- [FAQ](/wikipp/en/page/faq) |
- [Rationale Behind CppCMS](/wikipp/en/page/rationale) |
- [Case Study: CppCMS vs PHP benchmarks](/wikipp/en/page/benchmarks) |
- [Case Study: CppCMS vs PHP, Java/JSP, Asp.Net/Mono benchmarks](http://art-blog.no-ip.info/cppcms/blog/post/67) |
- [Developers](/wikipp/en/page/developers) |
- [When to Use](/wikipp/en/page/when_to_use_cppcms) |
- [Who Uses CppCMS](/wikipp/en/page/who_uses) |
- [Releases](/wikipp/en/page/releases) |
- [Road Map to Future](/wikipp/en/page/future) |
- [How to Contribute](/wikipp/en/page/contrib) |
## <span id="proj"></span>Project |
- [SourceForge Project Page](http://sourceforge.net/projects/cppcms/) |
- [Donwloads](http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=209965) |
- [Browse SVN](http://cppcms.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/cppcms/) |
- [Subversion Access](http://sourceforge.net/svn/?group_id=209965) |
- [Development Blog](/cppcms/blog) |
- [Mailing List](https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/cppcms-users) |
- [Bugs](http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=209965&atid=1011835) |
### <span id="cppcms0"></span> CppCMS 0.0.x - Stable |
The stable branch is stable in two terms: |
- It is stable and working version of CppCMS. |
- It is not receiving updates other then bug fixes. |
This version would be deprecated as soon as CppCMS 1.0.0 |
is going to be released. You are most likely want to use an upcoming version [CppCMS 1.x.x](#cppcms1). |
- [Features](/wikipp/en/page/concept) |
- [Supported Platforms](/wikipp/en/page/supported_platforms) |
#### <span id="tut0"></span>Tutorials |
- [Concepts](/wikipp/en/page/tut_concept) |
- [Hello World](/wikipp/en/page/tut_hello_world) |
- [Hello World, Templates](/wikipp/en/page/tut_hw_templates) |
- [Add Localization and nice URLS](/wikipp/en/page/tut_l10n_urls) |
- [Start With Forms](/wikipp/en/page/tut_forms) |
- [Starting with Sessions](/wikipp/en/page/tut_sessions) |
- [Basic Caching](/wikipp/en/page/tut_basic_caching) |
#### <span id="ref0"></span>Reference |
- [Major CppCMS Classes](/wikipp/en/page/ref_cppcms_classes) |
- [Templates System](/wikipp/en/page/ref_templates) |
- [CppCMS Configurations](/wikipp/en/page/ref_config) |
- [CppCMS Utilities](/wikipp/en/page/ref_utils) |
- [CppCMS Embedded](/wikipp/en/page/ref_embedded) |
#### <span id="inst0"></span>Installation |
- [CppCMS Framework](/wikipp/en/page/install_framework) |
#### <span id="devdoc0"></span> Developers Documentation |
- [Coding Standards](/wikipp/en/page/coding_standard) |
## <span id="cppcms1"></span>CppCMS 1.x.x - Upcoming |
This branch is officially beta release brunch, however |
- It is stable and working version of CppCMS in |
terms bugs, support and so on. |
It is significantly better tested then CppCMS 0.0.x, |
as it has much better unit test cover and is tested |
automatically every night on many platforms. |
- It is unstable in terms of API that may be changed |
untill official 1.x.x release which is going to keep |
backward compatible API and ABI till next major release. |
So some of CppCMS's API is still may change in backward |
incompatible way, that is why it is called "beta-version" |
and currently numbered as 0.99.x. |
This version is the recommended version and |
it is actually used by most of CppCMS framework users. |
- [What is new in CppCMS 1.x.x?](/wikipp/en/page/cppcms_1x_whats_new) |
- [Supported Compilers and Platforms](/wikipp/en/page/cppcms_1x_platforms) |
#### <span id="tut1"></span>Tutorials |
- [Migration to new version](/wikipp/en/page/cppcms_1x_migration) |
- [Hello World](/wikipp/en/page/cppcms_1x_tut_hello) |
- [URL Mapping](/wikipp/en/page/cppcms_1x_tut_url_mapping) |
- [Using Templates](/wikipp/en/page/cppcms_1x_tut_hello_templates) |
- [Running CppCMS with Web Servers](/wikipp/en/page/cppcms_1x_tut_web_server_config) |
- [Customize your 404 page](/wikipp/en/page/cppcms_1x_tut_404) |
#### <span id="ref1"></span>Reference |
- [Reference - Doxygen](/cppcms_ref_v0_99/) |
- [Configuration File](/wikipp/en/page/cppcms_1x_config) |
- [Template System](/wikipp/en/page/cppcms_1x_templates) |
#### <span id="inst1"></span>Installation |
- [Build Instructions](/wikipp/en/page/cppcms_1x_build) |
- [Troubleshooting](/wikipp/en/page/cppcms_1x_build_troubleshooting) |
#### <span id="devdoc1"></span> Developers Documentation |
- [Tasks](/wikipp/en/page/cppcms_1x_tasks) |
- [Internals](/wikipp/en/page/cppcms_1x_internals) |
- [Coding Standards](/wikipp/en/page/cppcms_1x_coding_standards) |
## <span id="wikipp"></span> Wikipp CppCMS Based Wiki |
- [Installation instructions](/wikipp/en/page/install_wikipp) |