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Difference "deleted -- Utility: cppcms_run" ver. 1 versus ver. 2


Version 1Version 2
Utility: cppcms_rundeleted -- Utility: cppcms_run


CppCMS provides a simple utility that allows you run and
debug cppcms based applications.
## Requirements:
You need to install one of the following web servers:
1. [Lighttpd](
2. [Nginx](
3. [Apache2]( with [mod_fastcgi](
You need to define a **unix domain** socket in your configuration file, for example: `server.socket="/tmp/app.sock"`
If you use nginx or apache, you should define `server.api="fastcgi"`. If you use have lighttpd, you may choose "scgi" as well.
## Usage
Usage cppcms_run [-e] [ -S server ] [-p port] [-h host] \
[-r /document/root ] [-s /script ]
program -c config.txt [ additional parameters ]
-c configuration file of cppcms executable
-p port to start the server on, default 8080
-s fastcgi script name, default '/'+your program name
-h host to bind, default
-r document root (default .)
-S (lighttpd|nginx|apache2) - web server you want to run
-e Do not start application, started externaly (for debugging)
For example:
cppcms_run hello -c config.txt
Would start a server at and the application will be accessable from "/hello" path at server.
If you do not specify webserver, cppcms_run first will try to locate ligttpd, then nginx -- asynchronous lightweight servers and then it would try to locate apache2 to run it.


CppCMS is a web development framework for performance demanding applications.

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