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Difference "Forms in CppCMS" ver. 1 versus ver. 2


## Basic Concepts
Forms system of CppCMS has three major types of classes:
1. Form -- `cppcms::form` --- the base class for form container, It is responsible on form validation, rendering. Usually, user derives its own classes from `cppcms::form`
2. Widgets in the namespace `cppcms::widgets`. They are basic elements of form like input text, number, checkbox, submit button etc.
3. `cppcms::widgetset` --- simple class for partial rendering of forms for easier integration with templates.
## ToDo
Meanwhile see [Start With Forms](/wikipp/en/page/tut_forms) tutorial
Meanwhile see [Start With Forms](/wikipp/en/page/tut_forms) tutorial


## Related
- [Start With Forms](/wikipp/en/page/tut_forms)


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