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Difference "cppcms::session_interface" ver. 2 versus ver. 3


## Role
This class is used for working with sessions.
Header: `#include <cppcms/session_interface.h>`
Generaly you access `session_interface` class via `session` member of `worker_thread` or `application`.
Generally you access `session_interface` class via `session` member of `worker_thread` or `application`.
## Managing values in session
Session is build like std::map dictionary -- key value pairs, where both key and value are std::string.
_Note:_ all keys starting with underscore "_" are reserved for cppcms engine use.
You can set or get any other values using automatic conversion using `boost::lexical_cast`.
- **`bool is_set(string const &key)`** check if key `key` exists in session.
- **`void del(string const &key)`** -- remove key from session.
- **`std::string &operator[](string const &key)`** -- return reference to value for key. If key not exists it is created.
- **`template<typename T> T get(string const key)`** -- convert value to type T from string and return it. If conversion fails, `boost::bad_lexical_cast` is thrown.
- **`template<typename T> void set(string const &key,T const &val)`** -- convert value from T to string and assign it to key.
- **`void get(string const &key,serializable &);`** -- save serializable object to session. See: [`cppcms::serializable`](/wikipp/en/page/ref_cppcms_serializable).
- **`void set(string const &key,serializable const &);`** -- fetch serializable object from session. See: [`cppcms::serializable`](/wikipp/en/page/ref_cppcms_serializable)
- **`void clear()`** -- clear session -- remove it.


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