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Difference "dbixx::session" ver. 2 versus ver. 3


## Description
This is general class that hold connection with database. It provides C++ interface for `dbi_conn` -- [connection infrastructure]( of libdbi.
## Connection Management
## Session Management
### Constructor
session(std::string const &backend);
Create connection object and optionaly load database driver (see, [dbi\_conn\_new](
This object is non-copyable.
### Configuration Member Functions
void driver(std::string const &backend);
void param(std::string const &par,std::string const &val);
void param(std::string const &par,int);
`driver(...)` function provides an ability to load driver if it is not specified in construction.
`param(...)` overloaded function allows to setup different
backend parameters. They represent [dbi\_conn\_set\_option]( and [dbi\_conn\_set\_option\_numeric]( . You should refer to [libdbi-drivers documentation]( for specific parameters.
### Connection
void connect();
void reconnect();
void close();
These member functions are used for connecting, reconnecting and disconnecting configured backend to database.
For example:
session sql;
## Preparing a query
void query(std::string const &query);
session &operator<<(std::string const &query);
Function `query` is used for assignment of the next query for execution. Operator `<<` is syntactic sugar for calling `query()`.
sql<<"SELECT name,value FROM options";


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