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This is general class that hold connection with database. It provides C++ interface for dbi_conn -- connection infrastructure of libdbi.

Session Management


  1. session();  
  2. session(std::string const &backend);  

Create connection object and optionaly load database driver (see, dbi_conn_new)

This object is non-copyable.

Configuration Member Functions

  1. void driver(std::string const &backend);  
  2. void param(std::string const &par,std::string const &val);  
  3. void param(std::string const &par,int);  

driver(...) function provides an ability to load driver if it is not specified in construction.

param(...) overloaded function allows to setup different backend parameters. They represent dbi_conn_set_option and dbi_conn_set_option_numeric . You should refer to libdbi-drivers documentation for specific parameters.


  1. void connect();  
  2. void reconnect();  
  3. void close();  

These member functions are used for connecting, reconnecting and disconnecting configured backend to database.

For example:

  1. session sql;  
  2. sql.driver("sqlite3");  
  3. sql.param("dbname","test.db");  
  4. sql.param("sqlite3_dbdir","./");  
  5. sql.connect();  

Preparing a query

  1. void query(std::string const &query);  
  2. session &operator<<(std::string const &query);  

Function query is used for assignment of the next query for execution. Operator << is syntactic sugar for calling query().

  1. sql<<"SELECT name,value FROM options";  

After we had defined the query we can bind additional parameters, if any.

  1. bind(X const &value,bool isnull=false);  

Where X is one of: std::string, int, unsigned, long long, unsigned long long, double, std::tm and dbixx::null. The parameters are marked as "?" in the queries, and they are replaced with appropriate values.

  1. sql.query("INSERT INTO t VALUES(?,?,?)"  
  2. sql.bind(10);  
  3. sql.bind("Your name is 'Smith'");  
  4. sql.bind(null());  

Creates following query:

  1. INSERT INTO t VALUES(10,'Your name is \'Smith\'',NULL)  

Parameter std::string is always automatically escaped and it is safe to bind any data to it.

There is a syntactic sugar available as well:

  1. template<typename T>  
  2. session &operator,(T v);  
  3. template<typename T>  
  4. session &operator,(std::pair<T,bool> p);  

So the above query can be set up as following:

  1. sql<<  "INSERT INTO t VALUES(?,?,?)",  
  2.        10,"Your name is 'Smith'",null();  

Binding NULL values

There are several ways to bind NULL values:

  1. Use bind(T const &v,bool is_null) directly.
  2. Use null() syntactic sugar
  3. User use() template function.

use() function is defined in namespace dbixx as following:

  1. template<typename T>  
  2. std::pair<T,bool> use(T val,bool isnull=false)  

It allows you bind such values in more friendly way:

  1. int x=10;  
  2. bool tag=is_x_null();  
  3. sql<<"INSERT INTO tbl VALUES(?)",  
  4.     use(x,tag),exec();  


  1. You should never use something like:

    1. sql<<  "INSERT INTO t VALUES('?')",message;  

    "?" symbol inside quotation marks '' would be interpreted as "?" and not placeholder for value. Beginning and end quotes are automatically added for std::strings.

  2. You should never create queries like this:

    1. sql<< "INSERT INTO t VALUES('"+message+"')";  

    Such query is not escaped and can lead to SQL Injections.

  3. Function use() receives it's parameters by value, you probably may want to use boost::ref in order to prevent copying data:

    1. string message;  
    2. sql<<"INSERT INTO t VALUES(?)",  
    3.      use(boost::ref(message),flag),exec();  

Executing queries and fetching results.

There types of queries are distinguished by DbiXX:

  1. Queries without output results. like INSERT or DELETE
  2. Queries with single output row, like SELECT of single entry by primary key.
  3. Queries with multiple row results.

Queries without output

They are invoked using:

  1. void exec();  
  2. void operator,(dbixx::exec const &);  

The first one is normal execution and the second one is syntactic sugar.

  1. sql<<"DELETE FROM users WHERE id=?",id;  
  2. sql.exec();  

Can be written as well as:

  1. sql<<"DELETE FROM users WHERE id=?",id,exec();  


  1. You must call exec() in order to run the query. Binding parameters do no send request.
  2. If you try use exec() with SELECT queries, dbixx::dbixx_error is thrown.

Requesting single row

When single row is requested, its output is stored in dbixx::row class.

  1. bool single(dbixx::row &);  
  2. bool operator,(dbixx::row &r);  

This function fetches zero or one row. If row is fetched, it returns true, otherwise false.

  1. dbixx::row r;  
  2. sql<<"SELECT password FROM users "  
  3.      "WHERE username=?",name;  
  4. if(sql.single(r)) {  
  5.     // Do something  
  6. }  
  7. else {  
  8.     throw error("No such user");  
  9. }  

There is syntactic sugar available as well:

  1. dbixx::row r;  
  2. sql<<"SELECT password FROM users "  
  3.      "WHERE username=?",name,r;  
  4. if(r.isempty()) {  
  5.     throw error("No such user");  
  6. }  


  1. First syntax is recommended.
  2. If query returns more then single row, dbixx::dbixx_error is thrown.

Fetching multiple rows

The output of such queries can be stored in dbixx::result

The appropriate API is following:

  1. void fetch(dbixx::result &);  
  2. void operator,(dbixx::result &);  

For example:

  1. dbixx::result res;  
  2. sql<<"SELECT id,name FROM person";  
  3. sql.fetch(res);  


  1. dbixx::result res;  
  2. sql<<"SELECT id,name FROM person",res;  

Retrieving information about query

RowID and number of affected rows can be retrieved using:

  1. unsigned long long rowid(char const *seq=NULL);  
  2. unsigned long long affected();  

Where seq is a sequence name, it is relevant for databases like PostgreSQL.

For example:

  1. sql<<"INSERT INTO users(name,pass) VALUES(?,?)",  
  2.      username,password,exec();  
  3. user_id=sql.rowid();  
  4. affected=sql.affected(); // = 1  

Accessing to low level libdbi features.

If some features are not supported by DbiXX C++ wrapper, you can always access directly to underlying dbi_conn and work directly with libdbi.

  1. dbi_conn get_dbi_conn();  

Note: The connection is still managed by dbixx::session object, thus do not close connection.


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