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Difference "CppCMS Utilities" ver. 1 versus ver. 2


In addition to library, CppCMS provides several utilities that are used for building, running and configuring applications:
## cppcms\_tmpl\_cc -- templates compiler
- [cppcms\_tmpl\_cc](#tmpl) -- templates compiler.
- [cppcms\_make\_key](#make) -- private key generation.
- [cppcms\_tcp\_scale](#tcp) -- scalability cache and sessions server.
- [cppcms\_run](#run) -- utility for running and debuggin CppCMS applications.
## <span id="tmpl"></span>cppcms\_tmpl\_cc -- templates compiler
cppcms_tmpl_cc [-o filename.cpp] [-n namespace] [-d domain] file1.tmpl ...
- `-o filename.cpp` --- file name that implements this template
- `-n namespace` --- setup namespace for template
- `-d domain` --- setup gettext domain for this template
- `-h/--help` --- show help message
For example:
cppcms_tmpl_cc -o main.tmpl page.tmpl article.tmpl view.cpp
- If gettext domain specified --- it overrides default one. The default is defined by `namespace`.
- If user defines `vary` as namespace it should provide `-n` switch. It is useful when you create several skins that use some shared parts.
You define `any` template and provide switch for them, and get two copies of same template in different domains.
- If no -o given, output is written to standard output.
## cppcms\_make\_key create private key for configuration
## <span id="make"></span>cppcms\_make\_key create private key for configuration
This script uses `/dev/random` to create such key. You just can copy-paste it's output to the configuration file.
You may use any other tool that create cryptographically safe random set of 32 hexadecimal digits.
## cppcms\_tcp\_scale --- scalability server
## <span id="tcp"></span>cppcms\_tcp\_scale --- scalability server
It that provides distributed backends for cache and session storage.
## <span id="run"></span>cppcms\_run --- running application
This utility allows you run and
debug cppcms based applications.
You need to install one of the following web servers:
1. [Lighttpd](
2. [Nginx](
3. [Apache2]( with [mod_fastcgi](
You need to define a **unix domain** socket in your configuration file, for example: `server.socket="/tmp/app.sock"`
If you use nginx or apache, you should define `server.api="fastcgi"`. If you use have lighttpd, you may choose "scgi" as well.
Usage cppcms_run [-e] [ -S server ] [-p port] [-h host] \
[-r /document/root ] [-s /script ]
program -c config.txt [ additional parameters ]
- `-c` configuration file of cppcms executable
- `-p port` to start the server on, default 8080
- `-s` fastcgi script name, default '/'+your program name
- `-h host` to bind, default
- `-r` document root (default .)
- `-S (lighttpd|nginx|apache2)` - web server you want to run
- `-e` Do not start application, It should be started externally (for debugging)
For example:
cppcms_run hello -c config.txt
Would start a server at and the application will be accessable from "/hello" path at server.
If you do not specify webserver, cppcms_run first will try to locate ligttpd, then nginx -- asynchronous lightweight servers and then it would try to locate apache2 to run it.
Switch `-e` is very useful for debugging. For example:
$ cppcms_run -e app -c config.txt
Server started
$ gdb app
> r -c config.txt
Access violation
> backtrace
This is simple example of running application with gdb, however you can run it with any debugger or IDE. For example, most of cppcms was written and debugged in KDevelop.


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