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Difference "Supported Platforms and Compilers" ver. 3 versus ver. 4


### Goals
CppCMS aims to be compatible with any reasonably modern POSIX compatible OS and be build with any reasonable modern compiler.
### Compilers Support
The code is build and tested under following compilers:
- GNU Compiler Collection 3.4, 4.1, 4.2
- GNU Compiler Collection 4.3 should work however not tested recently.
- GNU Compiler Collection 3.4, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3
### Operating System Support
CppCMS runs on Linux 2.6, FreeBSD, Open Solaris and Windows/Cygwin.
Any other reasonably modern UNIX like system should be supported as well.
### Tested platforms:
- Linux 2.6.18 x86 and x86_64 are primary testing and development platform. Compiler GCC 4.1, Boost 1.33.1 and 1.36
- Cygwin<sup><a href="#note1">1</a></sup> using GCC 3.4, Boost 1.34
- FreeBSD 7.1<sup><a href="#note1">1</a></sup> using GCC 4.2, Boost 1.34
- OpenSolaris 2008.5 using GCC 3.4, Boost 1.36.
### Windows
Windows only is supported via Cygwin POSIX compatibility layer.
At some point it _may be_ partially supported
via MinGW if there would be volunteers that would maintain this platform.
_Rationale_: Windows is too non-standard platform to support it. It is too developer unfriendly to put an effort in it.
1. <span id="note1"></span> These platforms lacks of POSIX process shared mutex support. Thus:
- Prefork cache module uses fcntl for serialization that may hurt the performance.
- Prefork compatibility mode of files bases session storage is disabled (nfs may be used).


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