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Difference "Supported Platforms and Compilers" ver. 7 versus ver. 8


### Goals
CppCMS aims to be compatible with any reasonably modern POSIX compatible OS and be build with any reasonable modern compiler.
CppCMS aims to be compatible with any reasonably modern POSIX compatible OS and be build with any reasonable modern compiler, including embedded platforms.
### Compilers Support
The code is build and tested under following compilers:
- GNU Compiler Collection 3.4, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3
- Intel Compiler 11.0
### Operating System Support
CppCMS runs on Linux 2.6, FreeBSD, Open Solaris and Windows/Cygwin.
Any other reasonably modern UNIX like system should be supported as well.
### Tested platforms:
- Primary testing and development platform
- Linux 2.6.18, x86/x86_64 with GCC 4.1 and Boost 1.33.1
- Additional tested platforms:
- Linux with:
- GCC 4.3 and Boost 1.35
- Intel Compiler 11.0 with Boost 1.33.1 and 1.36
- Cygwin<sup><a href="#note1">1</a></sup> using GCC 3.4, Boost 1.33.1
- FreeBSD 7.1<sup><a href="#note1">1</a></sup> using GCC 4.2, Boost 1.34
- OpenSolaris 2008.5 using GCC 3.4, Boost 1.36.
- Linux ARM embedded on qemu-arm, with gcc 4.1 and
- Linux ARM embedded using qemu-arm, with gcc 4.1 and
embedded build of CppCMS.
### Windows
Windows only is supported via Cygwin POSIX compatibility layer.
At some point it _may be_ partially supported
via MinGW if there would be volunteers that would maintain this platform.
_Rationale_: Windows is too non-standard platform to support it. It is too developer unfriendly to put an effort in it.
1. <span id="note1"></span> These platforms lacks of POSIX process shared mutex support. Thus:
- Prefork cache module uses fcntl for serialization that may hurt the performance.
- Prefork compatibility mode of files bases session storage is disabled (nfs may be used).


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