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Difference "Tutorial: "Hello World!" Configuration" ver. 3 versus ver. 4


**Note:** _This example is related to "trunk" version of CppCMS that is still not released._
## Configuration File
Every CppCMS based application should come with a configuration file.
You can find a configuration file template with full comments in docs folder
at your CppCMS installation.
We will write a simple file that consists of few lines:
server.api = "fastcgi"
server.mod = "prefork"
server.socket = "/tmp/fcgi-hello.socket"
This will define a basic settings for the runtime mode:
1. API that uses CppCMS in communication with web server, in our case "fastcgi". Other options are "scgi" and "cgi".
2. Worker mode of CppCMS -- prefork -- application forks several processes that
process queries. Other possible options are single process and thread mode -- "process" and single process multiple threads mode "thread".
We would save it as "config.txt"
## Web Server Configuration
### Lighttpd
Now we need to configure our web server to run our application. We would let lighttpd control processes start up and shout down.
Thus we need add to lighttpd configuration file following:
fastcgi.server = ( "/hello" =>
( "localhost" =>
"check-local" => "disable",
"max-procs" => 1,
"bin-path" => "/path/to/hello.fcgi -c /path/to/config.txt",
"socket" => "/tmp/hello-fastcgi.socket"
3. The socket that would use the web server to connect with
your fastcgi application
- `/hello` is our path to the root of the application on the web site, for example for `` it is `/hello`.
- `/path/to/config.txt` is the location of our configuration file that defines different CppCMS
parameters we had prepared. For example: `/home/david/projects/hello/config.txt`
- `/path/to/hello.fcgi` is the path to the location of fastcgi executable we
compiled before. For example: `/home/david/projects/hello/hello.fcgi`
Make sure, Lighttpd has permissions to run it.
We would save it as "config.txt" and run [cppcms_run](/wikipp/en/page/man_cppcms_run) utility
### Apache
cppcms_run hello.fcgi -c config.txt
If you have lighttpd, nginx or apache2 with mod\_fastcgi installed, they would be configured and started with your application.
## Running
Now restart your web server, open a web browser and go to [http://localhost/hello](http://localhost/hello). You should see "Hello World"
Now restart your web server, open a web browser and go to [http://localhost:8080/hello.fcgi](http://localhost:8080/hello.fcgi). You should see the traditional "Hello World"


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