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Difference "Tutorial: "Hello World!" Configuration" ver. 5 versus ver. 6


## Configuration File
Every CppCMS based application should come with a configuration file.
You can find a configuration file template with full comments in docs folder
at your CppCMS installation.
We will write a simple file that consists of few lines:
server.api = "fastcgi"
server.mod = "prefork"
server.socket = "/tmp/fcgi-hello.socket"
This will define a basic settings for the runtime mode:
1. API that uses CppCMS in communication with web server, in our case "fastcgi". Other options are "scgi" and "cgi".
2. Worker mode of CppCMS -- prefork -- application forks several processes that
process queries. Other possible options are single process and thread mode -- "process" and single process multiple threads mode "thread".
3. The socket that would use the web server to connect with
your fastcgi application
We would save it as "config.txt" and run [cppcms_run](/wikipp/en/page/man_cppcms_run) utility
We would save it as "config.txt" and run [cppcms_run](/wikipp/en/page/ref_utils#run) utility
cppcms_run hello.fcgi -c config.txt
If you have lighttpd, nginx or apache2 with mod\_fastcgi installed, they would be configured and started with your application.
## Running
Now restart your web server, open a web browser and go to [http://localhost:8080/hello.fcgi](http://localhost:8080/hello.fcgi). You should see the traditional "Hello World"


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