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Difference "Building CppCMS using Visual Studio" ver. 2 versus ver. 3


## Introduction
In general build on Windows using Microsoft Visual Studio is quite complex due to several factors:
1. Lack of easily accessible already build libraries in both debug and release variants for your MSVC version
2. Need of strict debug/release separation
So in order to make your life while building CppCMS simpler I suggest following rules:
1. Keep strict separation of debug and release installations and 32/64 bit architectures, for example
Note: pcre, icu and zlib support debug/release mangling of the libraries/dlls for debug/release flavor, but OpenSSL does not. So I strongly recommend to use separate trees to ensure safety.
2. When building with CMake always use "NMake Makefiles" generator to prevent collisions of debug/release methods
3. Start from basic dependencies zlib and pcre that can be built using CMake than go with more complex ones like OpenSSL and ICU if needed.
## Basic Dependencies:
1. Install CMake, make sure it is in global path
2. Install Python 2.x version, make sure it is in global path
3. Optionally install git if you want to build upstream branches.
### Building PCRE
PCRE comes with CMake build system, however building it correctly may be somewhat tricky.
Download the latest version of PCRE 8.x. Do not use PCRE2, it isn't supported.
Important options to note:
1. Build Shared version of PCRE (i.e. dll) `-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON`
2. Make sure you put `-DPCRE_SUPPORT_UNICODE_PROPERTIES=ON` option on to enable utf-8 support
1. Make sure you explicitly specify Release/Debug flavor `-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release`
2. Build Shared version of PCRE (i.e. dll) `-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON`
3. Make sure you put `-DPCRE_SUPPORT_UNICODE_PROPERTIES=ON` option on to enable utf-8 support - otherwise regex tests will fail
4. Use "NMake Makefiles" generator, default generator is multi version and much trickier to use.
Step by step:
Open Visual studio command prompt, for example `x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2017` or `x86 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2017` and change directory to location of PCRE sources. Create build directory and run the commands:
For example for x64 release build
mkdir msvc-release-x64
cd msvc-release-x64
nmake install
cd ..
mkdir msvc-debug-x64
cd msvc-debug-x64
nmake install
cd ..


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