Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
boosterBooster library namespace. The library that implements Boost Like API in ABI backward compatible way
booster::aioThis namespace povides and API to asynchronous sockets API, asynchronous timer and event loop handing
booster::aio::aio_errorThis namespace includes Booster.Aio specific error codes
booster::localeThis is the main namespace that encloses all localization classes
booster::locale::asThis namespace includes all manipulators that can be used on IO streams
booster::locale::flagsThis namespace holds additional formatting flags that can be set using ios_info
booster::locale::gnu_gettextThis namespace holds classes that provide GNU Gettext message catalogs support
booster::locale::periodNamespace that contains various types for manipulation with dates
booster::locale::period::marksThis namespace holds a enum of various period types like era, year, month, etc.
booster::locale::time_zoneNamespace that holds functions for operating with global time zone
booster::locale::utfNamespace that holds basic operations on UTF encoded sequences
booster::locale::utilThis namespace provides various utility function useful for Boost.Locale backends implementations
booster::logThis namespace includes Booster.Log related classes
booster::log::sinksThis namespace includes various output devices (sinks) for logger
booster::nowideThis namespace includes implementation of basic STL's / STDLIb's functions such that they accept UTF-8 strings. on Windows. Otherwise it is just an alias of std namespace (i.e. not on Windows)
booster::stack_traceNamespace that holds basic operations for implementing stack trace
booster::systemThis namespace includes partial implementation of std::tr1's/boost's system_error, error_code classes
cppcmsThis is the namespace where all CppCMS functionality is placed
cppcms::b64urlThis namespace provides functions useful for modified Base64 encoding for URL. This encoding does not insert newline characters, do not pad the text with = character and use "_" and "-" instead of "+" and "/" characters reserved by URL format for special purposes
cppcms::cryptoThis namespace holds basic cryptographic utilities useful for save interaction with user
cppcms::encodingThis Namespace holds various function for dealing with encoding
cppcms::filtersThis namespace various filters that can be used in templates for filtering data
cppcms::httpThis namespace represent classes that are directly connected to handing HTTP requests and responses
cppcms::jsonThis namespace includes all JSON parsing and formatting related classes and functions
cppcms::rpcThis namespace holds API for implementing various RPC APIs, like JsonRPC
cppcms::sessionsThis namespace keeps various session storage backends
cppcms::utilThis namespace holds various useful helper functions for we developer
cppcms::viewsThis namespace holds all classes used for rendering CppCMS views
cppcms::widgetsThis namespace includes all the widgets (i.e. parts of HTML forms) supported by cppcms
cppcms::xssNamespace that holds Anti-Cross Site Scripting Filter support