Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
booster::aio::acceptorThis class represents a socket that accepts incoming connections
cppcms::base_content::app_guardSpecial guard class that allows setting and resetting content's rendeding according to the specific scope
cppcms::applicationApplication class is the base class for all user created applications
cppcms::applications_poolApplication pool is the central class that holds user created applications
cppcms::archiveClass that represents a binary archive that can be stored in persistent storage or transfered
cppcms::archive_errorError thrown in case of serialization error
cppcms::archive_traits< Object >Special traits class that describes how to serialize various objects that are not defived from serializable_base
booster::atomic_counterAtomic counter is a class that allows perform counting in thread safe way
booster::backtraceClass that records the stack trace when it is created,
booster::bad_callback_callThis exception is thrown in case of calling unassigned/empty function
booster::bad_castSame as std::bad_cast but records stack trace
booster::bad_function_callThis exception is thrown in case of an attempt to call to unassigned booster::function
booster::nowide::bad_utfThis exception is thrown if invalid UTF-8 or UTF-16 is given as input
cppcms::json::bad_value_castThe error that is thrown in case of bad conversion of json::value to ordinary value
cppcms::filters::base64_urlencodeOutput filter base64_urlencode
cppcms::base_contentThis is a simple polymorphic class that every content for templates rendering should be derided from it. It does not carry much information with exception of RTTI that allows type-safe casting of user provided content instances to target content class that is used by specific template
booster::locale::util::base_converterThis class represent a simple stateless converter from UCS-4 and to UCS-4 for each single code point
cppcms::base_formThis class is the base class for any form or form widget used in CppCMS
cppcms::widgets::base_html_inputThis class represents a basic widget that generates HTML form elements the widgets that use the <input \/> HTML tag
cppcms::widgets::base_textThis widget is used as base for text input fields
cppcms::base_viewThis class is base class for all views (skins) rendered by CppCMS template engine
cppcms::widgets::base_widgetThis class is the base class of all renderable widgets which can be used with CppCMS form system
booster::nowide::basic_filebuf< char >
booster::locale::basic_format< CharType >Printf like class that allows type-safe and locale aware message formatting
booster::nowide::basic_fstream< CharType, Traits >
booster::nowide::basic_ifstream< CharType, Traits >
booster::aio::basic_io_deviceThis is a basic object that allows execution of asynchronous operations
booster::locale::basic_message< CharType >This class represents a message that can be converted to a specific locale message
booster::nowide::basic_ofstream< CharType, Traits >
booster::aio::basic_socketThis class represents a basic Socket object
booster::aio::buffer_impl< Pointer >This is a base class that represents a buffer - a set of contiguous chunks of memory that can be transfered over network
cppcms::cache_interfaceThis class is the major gateway of the application to CppCMS caching abilities. Any access too cache would be done via this class
booster::locale::calendarThis class provides an access to general calendar information
booster::locale::calendar_facetFacet that generates calendar for specific locale
cppcms::rpc::call_errorThe error thrown in case of bad call - parameters mismatch or invalid request
booster::callback< Result(Params...)>This is Booster's implementation of std::tr1::callback/booster::callback
cppcms::crypto::cbcCipher-block chaining encryption and decryption cryptographic service
cppcms::widgets::checkboxThis class represent an HTML checkbox input element
booster::clone_ptr< T >Smart pointer similar to std::auto_ptr but it clones (by calling T::clone()) underlying object on copy instead of moving its ownership
booster::locale::collator< CharType >Collation facet
booster::locale::collator_baseBase class that includes collation level flags
booster::locale::comparator< CharType, default_level >This class can be used in STL algorithms and containers for comparison of strings with a level other than primary
booster::condition_variableThis is conditional variable object
booster::aio::const_bufferAn immutable buffer - buffer for write operations
cppcms::http::content_typeClass that represents parsed Content-Type header, this is immutable class. Once it is created its values does not change
cppcms::http::contextContext is a central class that holds all specific connection related information. It encapsulates CGI request and response, cache, session and locale information
booster::locale::conv::conversion_errorThe excepton that is thrown in case of conversion error
booster::locale::converter< char >
booster::locale::converter< wchar_t >
booster::locale::converter_baseThis class provides base flags for text manipulation. It is used as base for converter facet
cppcms::http::cookieClass that represents single HTTP Cookie Generally used in context of http::request and http::response
cppcms::copy_filterCopy the output stream part - "tee" filter
booster::copy_ptr< T >Smart pointer similar to std::auto_ptr but it copies underlying object on pointer copy instead of moving its ownership
cppcms::cppcms_errorException thrown by CppCMS framework
cppcms::filters::dateFormats date to the stream, date is represented as number - POSIX time, a plain number
booster::locale::date_timeThis class represents a date time and allows to perform various operation according to the locale settings
booster::locale::date_time_durationThis class represents a period: a pair of two date_time objects
booster::locale::date_time_errorThis error is thrown in case of invalid state that occurred
booster::locale::date_time_periodThis class represents a pair of period_type and the integer values that describes its amount. For example 3 days or 4 years
booster::locale::date_time_period_setThis class that represents a set of periods,
cppcms::filters::datetimeFormat date and time to ouput stream
booster::aio::deadline_timerA timer object
booster::locale::gnu_gettext::messages_info::domainThis type represents GNU Gettext domain name for the messages
booster::domain_errorSame as std::domain_error but records stack trace
cppcms::widgets::emailThis widget checks that the input is a valid email address
booster::enable_shared_from_this< T >This class is borrowed from boost
cppcms::sessions::encryptorThis is an interface to generic session cookies encryption or signing API
cppcms::sessions::encryptor_factoryThis is an interface for an object that creates new encryptors
booster::aio::endpointThis class represents the connection endpoint, that is generally sockaddr structure in Berkeley sockets API
booster::aio::buffer_impl< Pointer >::entry
booster::system::error_categoryThis class represents a category of errors
booster::system::error_codeThe lightweight object that carries a error code information and its category
cppcms::filters::escapeOutput filter escape
booster::aio::reactor::eventStructure that defines output events
booster::exceptionSame as std::exception but records stack trace
cppcms::applications_pool::factoryBase class for user application factories
booster::log::sinks::fileLog file based sink - sends messages to log file
cppcms::widgets::fileThis class represents a file upload form entry
cppcms::http::fileThis class holds a uploaded file, it is generally fetched via widgets::file or via http::request::files
cppcms::formThe form is a container used to collect other widgets and forms into a single unit
cppcms::form_contextThis class represents the context required to generate the widgets' HTML
cppcms::form_flagsThis struct holds various flags to control the HTML generation
cppcms::forwarderClass responsble for automaticall forwarding of HTTP/CGI requests to other hosts over SCGI
booster::function< Result(Params...)>This is Booster's implementation of std::tr1::function/booster::function
cppcms::views::generatorThe class that represents a single skin and generates its views
booster::locale::generatorMajor class used for locale generation
cppcms::widgets::hiddenThis widget represents a hidden input form element. It is used to provide information invisible to the user
cppcms::crypto::hmacThis object calculates the HMAC signature for the input data
booster::hold_ptr< T >Smart pointer similar to std::auto_ptr but it is non-copyable and underlying object has same constness as the pointer itself (not like in ordinary pointer)
booster::locale::hold_ptr< T >Smart pointer similar to std::auto_ptr but it is non-copyable and the underlying object has the same constness as the pointer itself (unlike an ordinary pointer)
booster::locale::infoFacet that holds general information about locale
booster::intrusive_ptr< T >Intrusive_ptr is the class taken as-is from boost
booster::invalid_argumentSame as std::invalid_argument but records stack trace
booster::locale::conv::invalid_charset_errorThis exception is thrown in case of use of unsupported or invalid character set
booster::io_deviceThis class is a base class of generic I/O device that can be used in very simple manner with booster::streambuf allowing to create iostreams easily
booster::aio::io_eventsStruct that collects multiple event types for polling
booster::aio::io_serviceThis is the central event loop that dispatches all requests
booster::locale::ios_infoThis class holds an external data - beyond existing fmtflags that std::ios_base holds
cppcms::form::iteratorInput iterator used to iterate over all the widgets in a form
cppcms::rpc::json_callThis class represents single call of json-rpc method
cppcms::rpc::json_rpc_serverJSON-RPC service application
cppcms::crypto::keyKey object, holds the string that represents the binary key
booster::length_errorSame as std::length_error but records stack trace
booster::locale::localization_backendThis class represents a localization backend that can be used for localizing your application
booster::locale::localization_backend_managerLocalization backend manager is a class that holds various backend and allows creation of their combination or selection
booster::log::loggerThis is the central class that manages all logging operations
booster::logic_errorSame as std::logic_error but records stack trace
cppcms::views::managerThis class controls the views used my application it knows to load them dynamically and reload if needed
booster::match_results< Iterator >The object that hold the result of matching a regular expression against the text using regex_match and regex_search functions
booster::log::messageThis class represents a single message that should be written to log
cppcms::crypto::message_digestThis class provides an API to calculate various cryptographic hash functions
booster::locale::message_format< CharType >This facet provides message formatting abilities
booster::locale::gnu_gettext::messages_infoThis structure holds all information required for creating gnu-gettext message catalogs,
cppcms::mount_pointThis class represents application's mount point or the rule on which specific application is selected to process the query
booster::aio::mutable_bufferA mutable buffer - a buffer for read operations
booster::mutexMutex object
booster::noncopyableThis class makes impossible to copy any class derived from this one
cppcms::json::nullSpecial object that is convertible to null json value
cppcms::widgets::numeric< T >Widget for number input. It is a template class that assumes that T is a number
booster::out_of_rangeSame as std::out_of_range but records stack trace
booster::overflow_errorSame as std::overflow_error but records stack trace
cppcms::widgets::passwordSimple text widget with few, obvious differences
booster::locale::period::period_typeThis class holds a type that represents certain period of time like year, hour, second and so on
cppcms::views::poolThis is a singleton object that holds all views in the process. Any view is registered and unregistered via this object
booster::ptimeThis class represents POSIX time
cppcms::widgets::radioThe widget that uses a set of radio buttons.
booster::range_errorSame as std::range_error but records stack trace
cppcms::filters::rawOutput filter raw
booster::aio::reactorThis class is an abstraction of platform dependent polling API
booster::recursive_mutexRecursive mutex object
booster::recursive_shared_mutexRecursuve Shared mutex or a.k.a. Read-Write Lock that can be recursively locked by readers
booster::refcountedThis class is used as base class for reference counted objects that use intrusive_ptr. Deriving from this class allows simple way to manage reference counting for single object
booster::regexThis is a simple wrapper of PCRE library
booster::regex_errorException that is thrown in case of creation of invalid regex
cppcms::widgets::regex_fieldThis class is extending a simple text widget by using additional regular expression validation
cppcms::http::requestThis class represents all information related to the HTTP/CGI request
cppcms::request_forgery_errorThis exception is thrown when CSRF attempt is suspected:
cppcms::http::responseThis class represents all HTTP/CGI response related API, generation of output content and HTTP headers
cppcms::xss::rulesThe class that holds XSS filter rules
booster::runtime_errorSame as std::runtime_error but records stack trace
cppcms::widgets::selectThe widget that uses a drop-down list for selection
cppcms::widgets::select_baseThis is the base class for "select" like widgets which include dropdown lists and radio button sets
cppcms::widgets::select_multipleThis widget represents an HTML multiple select form element
cppcms::serializableAbstract class for serialization object
cppcms::serializable_baseBase abstract class for object that can be serialized into std::string
cppcms::serialization_traits< Object >This is the traits class for serialization traits
cppcms::serviceThis class represent the central event loop of the CppCMS applications
cppcms::session_apiThis class represents the most generic implementation of session storage device
cppcms::session_api_factoryFactory object that generates custom implemented session_api objects
cppcms::sessions::session_cookiesThe implementation of session_api using encrypted or signed cookies
cppcms::sessions::session_dualClient and Server side storage implementation of session_api
cppcms::session_interfaceThis class provides an access to an application for session management
cppcms::session_poolThis class provides an access to session management backends an allow customization
cppcms::sessions::session_sidAn implementation of session_api that stores the data using session_storage and unique session id
cppcms::sessions::session_storageSession_server_storage is an abstract class that allows user to implements custom session storage device like, database storage device
cppcms::sessions::session_storage_factoryThe factory is an interface to a factory that creates session_storage objects, it should be thread safe
booster::shared_lock< Mutex >Shared lock guard
booster::shared_mutexShared mutex or a.k.a. Read-Write Lock
booster::shared_objectClass that allows loading dynamic libraries: shared objects and dlls
booster::shared_ptr< T >
booster::detail::shared_ptr_traits< T >
booster::detail::shared_ptr_traits< void >
booster::detail::shared_ptr_traits< void const >
booster::detail::shared_ptr_traits< void const volatile >
booster::detail::shared_ptr_traits< void volatile >
booster::log::sinkThis is the abstract interface to general sink - the consumer of the logged messages
booster::detail::sp_convertible< Y, T >
booster::detail::sp_counted_impl_p< X >
booster::detail::sp_counted_impl_pd< P, D >
booster::detail::sp_counted_impl_pda< P, D, A >
booster::detail::sp_enable_if_auto_ptr< T, R >
booster::detail::sp_enable_if_auto_ptr< std::auto_ptr< T >, R >
booster::detail::sp_enable_if_convertible< Y, T >
booster::detail::sp_enable_if_convertible_impl< false >
booster::detail::sp_enable_if_convertible_impl< true >
cppcms::util::stackbuf< OnStackSize >Very simple output stream buffer that uses stack for small chunks of text and then allocates memory of the default buffer is too small
cppcms::util::stackstream< Size >Fast output stream object
booster::log::sinks::standard_errorStderr based sink - sends messages to standard error output
cppcms::util::steal_buffer< Size >This is a special buffer that allows to "steal" some chunk of text from the output stream
booster::aio::stream_socketThis object represents a stream socket: TCP/IP IPv4 or IPv6 or Unix domain stream socket
cppcms::filters::streamableA special proxy object for writing any object to a std::ostream
booster::streambufThis is an implementation of generic streambuffer
cppcms::filters::strftimeCustom time formating filter
cppcms::string_keyThis is a special object that may hold an std::string or alternatively reference to external (unowned) chunk of text
booster::sub_match< Iterator >This class represents a single captures subexpression
cppcms::widgets::submitSubmit button widget
booster::system::system_errorThis is the object that should be thrown in case of the error
cppcms::widgets::textThis class represents an HTML form input element of type text
cppcms::widgets::textareaThis text widget behaves similarly to the text widget but uses the textarea HTML tag rather than the input HTML tag
booster::threadClass that allows to start an execution thread
cppcms::thread_poolThis class provides an access to the thread pool where all CppCMS synchronous applications are executed
booster::thread_specific_ptr< T >Thread specific pointer
cppcms::filters::timeFormat local time to ouput stream
cppcms::filters::to_lowerOutput filter to_lower
cppcms::filters::to_titleOutput filter to_title
cppcms::filters::to_upperOutput filter to_upper
cppcms::json::traits< T >The type traits schema for converting json values to/from orinary objects i.e. serialization from JSON to C++ object
cppcms::triggers_recorderTriggers_recorder is a class that allows you to record all triggers added in certain scope
cppcms::json::undefinedSpecial object that is convertible to undefined json value
booster::underflow_errorSame as std::underflow_error but records stack trace
booster::unique_lock< Mutex >Unique lock guard
cppcms::urandom_deviceHigh entropy random number generator
cppcms::url_dispatcherThis class is used to glue between member function of application class and urls
cppcms::url_mapperClass for mapping URLs - the opposite of dispatch
cppcms::filters::urlencodeOutput filter urlencode
booster::locale::utf::utf_traits< CharType, 1 >
booster::locale::utf::utf_traits< CharType, 2 >
booster::locale::utf::utf_traits< CharType, 4 >
cppcms::json::valueThis class is central representation of json objects
booster::weak_ptr< T >