Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Functions
booster Namespace Reference

Booster library namespace. The library that implements Boost Like API in ABI backward compatible way. More...


 This namespace povides and API to asynchronous sockets API, asynchronous timer and event loop handing.
 This is the main namespace that encloses all localization classes.
 This namespace includes Booster.Log related classes.
 This namespace includes implementation of basic STL's / STDLIb's functions such that they accept UTF-8 strings. on Windows. Otherwise it is just an alias of std namespace (i.e. not on Windows)
 Namespace that holds basic operations for implementing stack trace.
 this namespace includes partial implementation of std::tr1's/boost's system_error, error_code classes


class  atomic_counter
 Atomic counter is a class that allows perform counting in thread safe way. More...
class  backtrace
 the class that records the stack trace when it is created, More...
class  bad_callback_call
 this exception is thrown in case of calling unassigned/empty function More...
class  bad_cast
 Same as std::bad_cast but records stack trace. More...
class  bad_function_call
 This exception is thrown in case of an attempt to call to unassigned booster::function. More...
class  bad_weak_ptr
struct  callable
class  callback
class  callback< Result(Params...)>
 This is Booster's implementation of std::tr1::callback/booster::callback. More...
class  clone_ptr
 a smart pointer similar to std::auto_ptr but it clones (by calling T::clone()) underlying object on copy instead of moving its ownership. More...
class  condition_variable
 This is conditional variable object. More...
class  copy_ptr
 a smart pointer similar to std::auto_ptr but it copies underlying object on pointer copy instead of moving its ownership. More...
class  domain_error
 Same as std::domain_error but records stack trace. More...
class  enable_shared_from_this
 This class is borrowed from boost. More...
class  enable_shared_from_this2
class  exception
 Same as std::exception but records stack trace. More...
class  function
class  function< Result(Params...)>
 This is Booster's implementation of std::tr1::function/booster::function. More...
class  hold_ptr
 a smart pointer similar to std::auto_ptr but it is non-copyable and underlying object has same constness as the pointer itself (not like in ordinary pointer). More...
class  intrusive_ptr
 intrusive_ptr is the class taken as-is from boost. More...
class  invalid_argument
 Same as std::invalid_argument but records stack trace. More...
class  io_device
 This class is a base class of generic I/O device that can be used in very simple manner with booster::streambuf allowing to create iostreams easily. More...
class  length_error
 Same as std::length_error but records stack trace. More...
class  logic_error
 Same as std::logic_error but records stack trace. More...
class  match_results
 The object that hold the result of matching a regular expression against the text using regex_match and regex_search functions. More...
class  mutex
 Mutex object. More...
class  noncopyable
 This class makes impossible to copy any class derived from this one. More...
class  out_of_range
 Same as std::out_of_range but records stack trace. More...
class  overflow_error
 Same as std::overflow_error but records stack trace. More...
class  ptime
 This class represents POSIX time. More...
class  range_error
 Same as std::range_error but records stack trace. More...
class  recursive_mutex
 Recursive mutex object. More...
class  recursive_shared_mutex
 Recursuve Shared mutex or a.k.a. Read-Write Lock that can be recursively locked by readers. More...
class  refcounted
 This class is used as base class for reference counted objects that use intrusive_ptr. Deriving from this class allows simple way to manage reference counting for single object. More...
class  regex
 This is a simple wrapper of PCRE library. More...
class  regex_error
 Exception that is thrown in case of creation of invalid regex. More...
class  runtime_error
 Same as std::runtime_error but records stack trace. More...
class  shared_lock
 a Shared lock guard. More...
class  shared_mutex
 Shared mutex or a.k.a. Read-Write Lock. More...
class  shared_object
 Class that allows loading dynamic libraries: shared objects and dlls. More...
class  shared_ptr
class  streambuf
 this is an implementation of generic streambuffer More...
class  sub_match
 This class represents a single captures subexpression. More...
class  thread
 the class that allows to start an execution th
class  thread_specific_ptr
 Thread specific pointer. More...
class  underflow_error
 Same as std::underflow_error but records stack trace. More...
class  unique_lock
 a Unique lock guard. More...
class  weak_ptr


typedef unsigned char uint8_t
typedef signed char int8_t
typedef unsigned short uint16_t
typedef short int16_t
typedef unsigned int uint32_t
typedef int int32_t
typedef unsigned long long uint64_t
typedef long long int64_t
typedef sub_match< char const * > csub_match
typedef sub_match< std::string::const_iterator > ssub_match
typedef match_results< char const * > cmatch
typedef match_results< std::string::const_iterator > smatch


void CPPCMS_API intrusive_ptr_add_ref (cppcms::application *p)
void CPPCMS_API intrusive_ptr_release (cppcms::application *p)
template<typename E >
details::trace_manip trace (E const &e)
 manipulator that print stack trace for the exception e if it is derived from backtrace. More...
BOOSTER_API std::tm local_time (time_t pt)
BOOSTER_API std::tm universal_time (time_t pt)
BOOSTER_API time_t normalize_local_time (std::tm &t)
BOOSTER_API time_t normalize_universal_time (std::tm &t)
BOOSTER_API time_t make_local_time (std::tm const &t)
BOOSTER_API time_t make_universal_time (std::tm const &t)
template<class T , class U >
bool operator== (intrusive_ptr< T > const &a, intrusive_ptr< U > const &b)
template<class T , class U >
bool operator!= (intrusive_ptr< T > const &a, intrusive_ptr< U > const &b)
template<class T >
bool operator== (intrusive_ptr< T > const &a, T *b)
template<class T >
bool operator!= (intrusive_ptr< T > const &a, T *b)
template<class T >
bool operator== (T *a, intrusive_ptr< T > const &b)
template<class T >
bool operator!= (T *a, intrusive_ptr< T > const &b)
template<class T >
bool operator< (intrusive_ptr< T > const &a, intrusive_ptr< T > const &b)
template<class T >
void swap (intrusive_ptr< T > &lhs, intrusive_ptr< T > &rhs)
template<class T >
T * get_pointer (intrusive_ptr< T > const &p)
template<class T , class U >
intrusive_ptr< T > static_pointer_cast (intrusive_ptr< U > const &p)
template<class T , class U >
intrusive_ptr< T > const_pointer_cast (intrusive_ptr< U > const &p)
template<class T , class U >
intrusive_ptr< T > dynamic_pointer_cast (intrusive_ptr< U > const &p)
template<class E , class T , class Y >
std::basic_ostream< E, T > & operator<< (std::basic_ostream< E, T > &os, intrusive_ptr< Y > const &p)
BOOSTER_API std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, ptime const &)
BOOSTER_API std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &, ptime &)
void intrusive_ptr_add_ref (refcounted *ptr)
void intrusive_ptr_release (refcounted *ptr)
template<typename Regex >
bool regex_match (char const *begin, char const *end, cmatch &m, Regex const &r, int flags=0)
template<typename Regex >
bool regex_match (std::string const &s, smatch &m, Regex const &r, int flags=0)
template<typename Regex >
bool regex_match (char const *s, cmatch &m, Regex const &r, int flags=0)
template<typename Regex >
bool regex_search (char const *begin, char const *end, cmatch &m, Regex const &r, int flags=0)
template<typename Regex >
bool regex_search (std::string const &s, smatch &m, Regex const &r, int flags=0)
template<typename Regex >
bool regex_search (char const *s, cmatch &m, Regex const &r, int flags=0)
template<typename Regex >
bool regex_match (char const *begin, char const *end, Regex const &r, int flags=0)
template<typename Regex >
bool regex_match (std::string const &s, Regex const &r, int flags=0)
template<typename Regex >
bool regex_match (char const *s, Regex const &r, int flags=0)
template<typename Regex >
bool regex_search (char const *begin, char const *end, Regex const &r, int flags=0)
template<typename Regex >
bool regex_search (std::string const &s, Regex const &r, int flags=0)
template<typename Regex >
bool regex_search (char const *s, Regex const &r, int flags=0)
template<typename Iterator >
bool operator== (sub_match< Iterator > const &l, sub_match< Iterator > const &r)
template<typename Iterator >
bool operator!= (sub_match< Iterator > const &l, sub_match< Iterator > const &r)
template<typename Iterator >
bool operator< (sub_match< Iterator > const &l, sub_match< Iterator > const &r)
template<typename Iterator >
bool operator> (sub_match< Iterator > const &l, sub_match< Iterator > const &r)
template<typename Iterator >
bool operator<= (sub_match< Iterator > const &l, sub_match< Iterator > const &r)
template<typename Iterator >
bool operator>= (sub_match< Iterator > const &l, sub_match< Iterator > const &r)
template<typename Iterator >
bool operator== (typename sub_match< Iterator >::string_type const &l, sub_match< Iterator > const &r)
template<typename Iterator >
bool operator!= (typename sub_match< Iterator >::string_type const &l, sub_match< Iterator > const &r)
template<typename Iterator >
bool operator<= (typename sub_match< Iterator >::string_type const &l, sub_match< Iterator > const &r)
template<typename Iterator >
bool operator>= (typename sub_match< Iterator >::string_type const &l, sub_match< Iterator > const &r)
template<typename Iterator >
bool operator< (typename sub_match< Iterator >::string_type const &l, sub_match< Iterator > const &r)
template<typename Iterator >
bool operator> (typename sub_match< Iterator >::string_type const &l, sub_match< Iterator > const &r)
template<typename Iterator >
bool operator== (sub_match< Iterator > const &l, typename sub_match< Iterator >::string_type const &r)
template<typename Iterator >
bool operator!= (sub_match< Iterator > const &l, typename sub_match< Iterator >::string_type const &r)
template<typename Iterator >
bool operator<= (sub_match< Iterator > const &l, typename sub_match< Iterator >::string_type const &r)
template<typename Iterator >
bool operator>= (sub_match< Iterator > const &l, typename sub_match< Iterator >::string_type const &r)
template<typename Iterator >
bool operator< (sub_match< Iterator > const &l, typename sub_match< Iterator >::string_type const &r)
template<typename Iterator >
bool operator> (sub_match< Iterator > const &l, typename sub_match< Iterator >::string_type const &r)
template<typename Iterator >
bool operator== (typename std::iterator_traits< Iterator >::value_type const *l, sub_match< Iterator > const &r)
template<typename Iterator >
bool operator!= (typename std::iterator_traits< Iterator >::value_type const *l, sub_match< Iterator > const &r)
template<typename Iterator >
bool operator<= (typename std::iterator_traits< Iterator >::value_type const *l, sub_match< Iterator > const &r)
template<typename Iterator >
bool operator>= (typename std::iterator_traits< Iterator >::value_type const *l, sub_match< Iterator > const &r)
template<typename Iterator >
bool operator< (typename std::iterator_traits< Iterator >::value_type const *l, sub_match< Iterator > const &r)
template<typename Iterator >
bool operator> (typename std::iterator_traits< Iterator >::value_type const *l, sub_match< Iterator > const &r)
template<typename Iterator >
bool operator== (sub_match< Iterator > const &l, typename std::iterator_traits< Iterator >::value_type const *r)
template<typename Iterator >
bool operator!= (sub_match< Iterator > const &l, typename std::iterator_traits< Iterator >::value_type const *r)
template<typename Iterator >
bool operator<= (sub_match< Iterator > const &l, typename std::iterator_traits< Iterator >::value_type const *r)
template<typename Iterator >
bool operator>= (sub_match< Iterator > const &l, typename std::iterator_traits< Iterator >::value_type const *r)
template<typename Iterator >
bool operator< (sub_match< Iterator > const &l, typename std::iterator_traits< Iterator >::value_type const *r)
template<typename Iterator >
bool operator> (sub_match< Iterator > const &l, typename std::iterator_traits< Iterator >::value_type const *r)
template<typename Iterator >
sub_match< Iterator >::string_type operator+ (sub_match< Iterator > const &l, sub_match< Iterator > const &r)
template<typename Iterator >
sub_match< Iterator >::string_type operator+ (sub_match< Iterator > const &l, typename sub_match< Iterator >::string_type const &r)
template<typename Iterator >
sub_match< Iterator >::string_type operator+ (typename sub_match< Iterator >::string_type const &l, sub_match< Iterator > const &r)
template<typename Iterator >
sub_match< Iterator >::string_type operator+ (sub_match< Iterator > const &l, typename sub_match< Iterator >::value_type const *r)
template<typename Iterator >
sub_match< Iterator >::string_type operator+ (typename sub_match< Iterator >::value_type const *l, sub_match< Iterator > const &r)
template<class T , class U >
bool operator== (shared_ptr< T > const &a, shared_ptr< U > const &b)
template<class T , class U >
bool operator!= (shared_ptr< T > const &a, shared_ptr< U > const &b)
template<class T , class U >
bool operator< (shared_ptr< T > const &a, shared_ptr< U > const &b)
template<class T >
void swap (shared_ptr< T > &a, shared_ptr< T > &b)
template<class T , class U >
shared_ptr< T > static_pointer_cast (shared_ptr< U > const &r)
template<class T , class U >
shared_ptr< T > const_pointer_cast (shared_ptr< U > const &r)
template<class T , class U >
shared_ptr< T > dynamic_pointer_cast (shared_ptr< U > const &r)
template<class T , class U >
shared_ptr< T > shared_static_cast (shared_ptr< U > const &r)
template<class T , class U >
shared_ptr< T > shared_dynamic_cast (shared_ptr< U > const &r)
template<class T , class U >
shared_ptr< T > shared_polymorphic_cast (shared_ptr< U > const &r)
template<class T , class U >
shared_ptr< T > shared_polymorphic_downcast (shared_ptr< U > const &r)
template<class T >
T * get_pointer (shared_ptr< T > const &p)
template<class Y >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, shared_ptr< Y > const &p)
template<class D , class T >
D * get_deleter (shared_ptr< T > const &p)
void * booster_thread_func (void *)
template<class T , class U >
bool operator< (weak_ptr< T > const &a, weak_ptr< U > const &b)
template<class T >
void swap (weak_ptr< T > &a, weak_ptr< T > &b)

Detailed Description

Booster library namespace. The library that implements Boost Like API in ABI backward compatible way.

Function Documentation

void booster::intrusive_ptr_add_ref ( refcounted p)

Increase reference count

void booster::intrusive_ptr_release ( refcounted p)

Decrease reference count, if it goes to 0, destroy the object

BOOSTER_API std::tm booster::local_time ( time_t  pt)

Convert POSIX time to local time. Effectivly works as C localtime

Referenced by booster::ptime::operator-=().

BOOSTER_API time_t booster::make_local_time ( std::tm const &  t)

Converts local time std::tm t to POSIX time, effectivly same as mktime but does not modify its parameter

BOOSTER_API time_t booster::make_universal_time ( std::tm const &  t)

Converts GMT time std::tm t to POSIX time , effectivly same as timegm or mktime in case of GMT time zone, but does not modify its parameter

BOOSTER_API time_t booster::normalize_local_time ( std::tm &  t)

Converts local time std::tm t to POSIX time normalizing it, effectivly same as mktime

BOOSTER_API time_t booster::normalize_universal_time ( std::tm &  t)

Converts GMT time std::tm t to POSIX time normalizing it, effectivly same as timegm or mktime in case of GMT time zone.

BOOSTER_API std::ostream& booster::operator<< ( std::ostream &  ,
ptime const &   

Write ptime to stream. It is written as double, so it would give expected result when working with booster::locale::as::date_time formatter

BOOSTER_API std::istream& booster::operator>> ( std::istream &  ,

Read ptime from stream. It is read as double, so it would give expected result when working with booster::locale::as::date_time formatter

Referenced by booster::ptime::nanosleep().

template<typename Regex >
bool booster::regex_match ( char const *  begin,
char const *  end,
cmatch m,
Regex const &  r,
int  flags = 0 

Match an expression r against text in range [begin, end ), return true if found and store matched patters in m

template<typename Regex >
bool booster::regex_match ( std::string const &  s,
smatch m,
Regex const &  r,
int  flags = 0 

Match an expression r against text s, return true if found and store matched patters in m

template<typename Regex >
bool booster::regex_match ( char const *  s,
cmatch m,
Regex const &  r,
int  flags = 0 

Match an expression r against text s, return true if found and store matched patters in m

template<typename Regex >
bool booster::regex_match ( char const *  begin,
char const *  end,
Regex const &  r,
int  flags = 0 

Match an expression r against text in range [begin, end ), return true if matched

template<typename Regex >
bool booster::regex_match ( std::string const &  s,
Regex const &  r,
int  flags = 0 

Match an expression r against text s, return true if matched

template<typename Regex >
bool booster::regex_match ( char const *  s,
Regex const &  r,
int  flags = 0 

Match an expression r against text s, return true if matched

template<typename Regex >
bool booster::regex_search ( char const *  begin,
char const *  end,
cmatch m,
Regex const &  r,
int  flags = 0 

Search an expression r in text in rage [begin, end). Return true if found, and store matched subexpressions in m

template<typename Regex >
bool booster::regex_search ( std::string const &  s,
smatch m,
Regex const &  r,
int  flags = 0 

Search an expression r in text s. Return true if found, and store matched subexpressions in m

template<typename Regex >
bool booster::regex_search ( char const *  s,
cmatch m,
Regex const &  r,
int  flags = 0 

Search an expression r in text s. Return true if found, and store matched subexpressions in m

template<typename Regex >
bool booster::regex_search ( char const *  begin,
char const *  end,
Regex const &  r,
int  flags = 0 

Search an expression r against text in range [begin, end ), return true if found

template<typename Regex >
bool booster::regex_search ( std::string const &  s,
Regex const &  r,
int  flags = 0 

Search an expression r against text s, return true if found

template<typename Regex >
bool booster::regex_search ( char const *  s,
Regex const &  r,
int  flags = 0 

Search an expression r against text s, return true if found

References booster::sub_match< Iterator >::compare(), and booster::sub_match< Iterator >::str().

template<typename E >
details::trace_manip booster::trace ( E const &  e)

manipulator that print stack trace for the exception e if it is derived from backtrace.

For example:

catch(std::exception const &e) {
std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
std::cerr << booster::trace(e);
BOOSTER_API std::tm booster::universal_time ( time_t  pt)

Convert POSIX time to GMT time. Effectivly works as C gmtime

Referenced by booster::ptime::operator-=().